What do you have new?

To woozie
i made 3 new sigs =]

I Haz a new Far Cry 2 Fortunes Downloadble content Which i run on very high without any lag
DaDeathgod said:
I Haz a new Far Cry 2 Fortunes Downloadble content Which i run on very high without any lag

Oh, And i have a new signature, WHO LIK3Z?
No xD from belgium of course,she lives 2 streets away :)

I have a new day to snowboard ^^
I have a new signature, What do you guys think of it :T

(Btw, Its all made with only the paint-fill tool (for the background) and 2 custom layer styles :D
... Also a brush and a stroked path)
Another update, it will arrive in the next week, Monday or Tuesday, can't fucking wait :wub:

Mave said:
Nice new sig, GP ^^
And nice gun, Killer7 :T

I got a new USB stick (16gigs)

It's good to shoot the annoying noobzors :tongue:

Tomorrow i will make a video of it to show how it works.
Mave said:
kk Awesome

I have a new video (yes man dvd rip)

Like i promised i made a little video today but stupid youtube won't upload it for a "unknown error", but i have some better pics, god bless my cellphone.



The last picture can wipe out a cool signature. :afro:

//EDIT: I was experimenting with the picture and it came out nice! and I loved the way, I added the text on it. (found out a new technique.)

I quite like that, i think i will use it, can you do with "Firefly" instead of Killer7, or maybe put the name on right side of the pic and not in the gun, i will reward you with cookies :smile3:
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