Valve mistakenly swings banhammer at MW2 players, apologizes by giving away L4D2


I shiggy diggy
The Netherlands

Being wrongfully accused sucks. Depending on the situation, you could be looking at years in a state prison, loss of job/money/life, or – worst of all – a permanent ban from the PC version of Modern Warfare 2.

Fortunately, Valve – whose anti-cheat software erroneously tossed good, law-abiding citizens in the slammer – saw the error of its ways, and set things right in the best and most sensible way possible: zombies.

“Hello, recently, your Steam account was erroneously banned from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. This was our mistake, and I apologize for any frustration or angst it may have caused you,” read a message from Gabe Newell to those who were given the boot.“

We have reversed the ban, restoring your access to the game. In addition, we have given you a free copy of Left 4 Dead 2 to give as a gift on Steam, plus a free copy for yourself if you didn’t already own the game.”

Valve is awesome :biggrin:
+1 for Valve.
I saw this somewhere else about the same thing:
[quote author=Jormungandr ]
[quote author=Fkevry1hre ]Well to be honest you should be banned for having picked up MW2 to begin with.[/quote]I think Valve figured that, so they used the bans as an excuse to give them something better.[/quote]
If it was IW that accidentally banned everyone they would just send everyone a message that says "sorry" and thereby prove that they hate their customers.

Valve is great. <3
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