Two old ladies are taking a smoke break...
... as they stand there, it starts to rain. Oneof them pulls out a condom, opens it up, cuts the tip off, slides it over her cigarette and continues to smoke. The other lady, impressed, asks "where did you get that?" "You can get them pretty much anywhere you buy cigarettes, they're called condoms" "The next day at the store, the old lady asks the cashier "I'd like to get some condoms please" The cashier says "Sure thing ma'am, what brand would you like?"
The old lady responds, "I dont care as long as they fit a camel'
... as they stand there, it starts to rain. Oneof them pulls out a condom, opens it up, cuts the tip off, slides it over her cigarette and continues to smoke. The other lady, impressed, asks "where did you get that?" "You can get them pretty much anywhere you buy cigarettes, they're called condoms" "The next day at the store, the old lady asks the cashier "I'd like to get some condoms please" The cashier says "Sure thing ma'am, what brand would you like?"
The old lady responds, "I dont care as long as they fit a camel'