Twitter administrator account hacked, others compromised


TMS Founder


It seems Twitter is still having its share of security trouble, because according to Cnet, a person by the name of Hacker Croll was able to hack into a Twitter administrator account, by guessing the secret question to reset the administrator’s password on a Yahoo e-mail account where the Twitter password was located. This person was also able to view the details of 10 other accounts including Britney Spears and Ashton Kutcher according to screenshots posted to a French blog site.

Twitter co-founder Biz Stone said that while no account information was altered or removed in any way, email address, mobile phone number, and the list of accounts blocked by that user were viewed.

Twitter employee Jason Goldman tweeted on Wednesday that his Yahoo account has been hacked.

We at Neowin urge users to create strong, hard to guess passwords, and to be careful as to what information is revealed to people. Social engineering is an easy tool used to get personal information out of people. During the 2008 US Presidential election, the Yahoo mail account of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin was compromised in a similar fashion, after a college student was able to answer the secret questions used on her personal account.

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