Tribe threatens to commit mass suicide


TMS Fuhrer. (Non_Poster)
An indigenous Brazilian tribe has threatened to commit mass suicide if they are evicted from their land.

The community of 50 men, 50 women and 70 children from the Gurani-Kaiowa tribe which live in Brazil's southern state of Mato Grosso do Sul, claim their ancestors have been buried there for centuries.
The tribe addressed a letter to the Brazilian government, asking to respect their wishes to remain on the banks of Brazil's Joguico River with their ancestors.
"Because of this historic fact, we would prefer to die and be buried together with our ancestors right here where are now," it read.
"We ask, one time for all, for the government to decree our extinction as a tribe and to send tractors to dig a big hole and there, to throw our dead bodies. We have all decided that we will not leave this place, neither alive nor dead."
The Brazilian Federal Court ruled that the tribe must leave and will fine the tribe US$250 a day if they remain on the land.
Mr Vera Popygua, the chief of Gurani-Kaiowa told The Argentina Independent that indigenous tribes have constitutional rights to remain on the land.
"Our people have been massacred, they have killed our leaders, and that is sad and unacceptable," he claimed.
"We are an advanced society that lives in the 21st century. This should not happen."
According to the Indigenous Missionary Council, the suicide rate in the tribe has increased as a result of territorial disputes over the last week.
But the Gurani tribe have been known to have a history of their community committing suicide.
Survival International, a British-run non-government organisation reported that over 15 years, 320 Guranis, out of a population of 30,000, killed themselves.
In 1996, Rosalino Ortiz, an elder told the organisation that community members were committing suicide because they had no land.
"The Gurani are committing suicide because we have no land. We don't have space any more. In the old days, we were free, now we are no longer free," he said.
"So our young people look around them and think there is nothing left and wonder how they can live. They sit down and think, they forget, they lose themselves and then commit suicide."

Source: Ninemsn.
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