TMS Chat?


Well-Known Member
Washington, DC
I requested this in the past, you (mave) told me to wait cause the website was small.

It's bigger since then and there's atleast someone online in the website 24/7 or so (counting guests).

So what about having a TMS chat? i would suggest that has a nice client that i use on my website (

What do you guys think?
Mave was talking to me about a TMS IRC a long while ago... Dont know what ever happened to that idea..

But it would be awesome.. People would be on it all the time and it would be really fun :D
LightIRC is very nice but doesn't have smileys. That's the only (little) thing I saw that I didn't like :P

But smileys don't matter at all
I would like an IRC like SFSFv2 had, but I don't have a clue of how to make one :/
I suppose you could use my dedi for an IRC server instead of using another provider where random people come and talk non-sense or spam ;_;
FrostBytez said:
I suppose you could use my dedi for an IRC server instead of using another provider where random people come and talk non-sense or spam ;_;
You don't need to set up a whole IRC server for... one channel.
The size of this site is decent to have a good chat channel with people in 24/7, but an IRC server dedicated to it? I don't think so.

Good idea though, to have an IRC channel, I'd love to troll talk in #tms all the time. :D
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