This is the "Random" section, I assume?


Be Patient.
I hope so. Not really sure, haven't been on forums in a long time...

Anyway, how many active members you people have around here? I'm guessing they're all asleep, anyway.
It's one of the random sections, we also have "Off Topic" and a general chat topic in the high society (High society is +1000 posts or VIP (donator) status)

I would tell you how many active members there are but I honestly can't count D:
Not too many though, and some people are active but don't post
We're a rather small community, but everyone knows everyone pretty well.
We also talk in Skype a lot (mostly just talking, but sometimes calls)
You'll be part of the family before you know it :D

And yes this is the 'random section', the very random section is Off Topic Chat :P
And i'm luggi. Oh eh, i know .. w/e... Im confused. :troll:

I am active, but never.. ( well somtimes ) post shit in here, most time i'm just checking TMS out, and enjoying the stuff which gets posted there :]
Mave said:
We're a rather small community, but everyone knows everyone pretty well.

Even in rather large communities (Cheat Code Central forums, about 4 years ago now is my personal example), prior to the owners shutting it down (because it's members wanted change. wut), there was just one bunch of continuously active, close knit members. No one else really stayed, or found what they needed and disappeared.
The point is, large or small, you'll always know your active members the best and you make friends of them, even if you never meet them. (lolnimmy)

Mave said:
You'll be part of the family before you know it :D

I would like to think so! I need something to kill my time when I'm staying awake all night most nights :D

Well, I'll just check out your most active posters, and the ones who post with quality. You can tell the ones who usually post quality over quantity are active, concise members.
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