The Stubborn Priest


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A flood wipes out an entire town, making the only survivors having to take refuge on the roofs of a local church, one of which was the local priest.
Eventually, a rescue team comes by boat, and orders all the survivors to get on. All do so happily, except for the priest.
“God is my only saviour, and He will be the one to come save me!” He chants.
The rescuers try their best to convince him to get on the boat, but he doesn’t budge. Eventually they abandon the priest on the church rooftop.
Then, a second rescue boat comes to do another check of any survivors, and sure enough, they find the priest reciting the bible, praying for God to rescue him.
Again, they try to convince him to come with them, and again he answers, “God is my only saviour, and He will be the one to come save me!”
They try and try, but he refuses. Eventually, they again abandon him on the roof.
Then one last boat arrives after a few hours, and again, for the last time, they try to convince the priest to come on the lifeboat. And again, he refuses, “God is my only saviour, and He will be the one to come save me!”
They end up having to abandon the priest, and no more lifeboats come. Eventually, he dies after one week on the rooftop.
At heaven’s gate, he asks the angels, “I was praying to God to come save me! Why did you let me die?!”
“We sent not one, not two, but three damn lifeboats to come save you, but you refused all of them!”
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