The most fucked up shit ever

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Andre said:
Everyone is of course entitled to their own opinion but your opinion I'm afraid is based on the opinion of the general 15-year-old-skate-faggot stereotype. So get over your complexes.

So its okay for you to say "dubstep is crappy" but when we say that we don't like a person you have to object?

And why the flaming? I thought we were friends.
GPow69 said:
So its okay for you to say "dubstep is crappy" but when we say that we don't like a person you have to object?
I said I'd rather listen to "Baby" than dubstep.
I agree with Andre tbh.

There isn't ANYTHING bad about Justin Bieber. He may have a voice just like a girl does but. C'mon, There really isn't anything bad about it.

It's just you guys hating him just because all the other people do.
Stop the avatar spam now please.

Some people don't like Justin Bieber, and the other 5 people like Justin Bieber.

My opinion about him isn't based on someone else's or so.
I first saw him on a music clip on TV and immediately I went like 'Wait. lol? wtf..'

EDIT: This topic has been moved to Off Topic Chat.
Andre I was talking about how we had a topic stating our opinion and that you came in and basically said "Your opinion is wrong heres mine", which is completely unnecessary. If you made a topic stating that you disliked dubstep I'm sure nobody would go in and say "Oh well id rather listen to dubstep than justin bieber", because there's no point, it doesn't relate to the topic.
I don't expect a 13-year-old to understand but I wasn't presenting my opinion as the 'ultimate truth' or anything. I was asking for a basic explanation about what do you guys think is wrong with Justin Bieber? Because to me your hatred seems like the basic famous envy that everyone your age has towards Justin. And I don't think you can object that. Fact is that he dresses like you, has his hair cut like yours and your voice is probably even more higher since you're younger than him. Also you're from the same country. Really you don't envy his musical skills, his women, car(s) and money?
We don't like his music, okay? What's so hard to understand. Thats our opinion, and because of it, we hate him.

Your comment was still quite uncalled for
You hate him because you don't like his music? You're starting to make even less sense, dude. But may envy be your reason for hatred, or the general stereotype hate?
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