The Life Pro Tips / Life Hacks Thread

To disable Windows Update restart reminders (10min-4hours), use the command "net stop wuauserv"
To dry yourself off more quickly after a shower/swim, "squeegee" the water off with your hands before using a towel.
Are you ever in a situation where you're about to sneeze but don't really want to? Just press your tongue against the roof of your mouth when you feel one coming on and it should go away.
If something gets stolen from you such as a phone or iPod search for it on Craigslist or Ebay near your area. Many times the thief will try selling it.
if you want to view only unread emails in Gmail, type in 'is:unread' into the search bar.
Tried peeling a sticker off something and it's left that annoying sticky residue that's impossible to get off behind? Get some lighter fluid and dab it over the sticky part. It will help you remove it extremely easily.
^ That's really useful, thanks.

When trimming your beard, put a towel over your sink/countertop and let the hair fall on it, then shake your towel off outside. No more nasty hairs on your sink.
Stale bread? Rinse it with water and put it in the oven for some 10 minutes. Bread's fresh like when you bought it.
When parking in a huge garage take a photo of the section sign. Great for long term airport parking.
For websites where you can only sign up with your address once, simply add an 'A' (or any letter) to the end of your street number (e.g. 123A Fake St). The site will now see a new address and the postman will just ignore the extra character.
Showing up 30 minutes EARLY to a job interview is almost as bad as showing up 10 minutes late.
Feel a common sore throat coming? Gargle with warm water and salt to create an inhospitable environment for the pesky bacteria.
Car always a mess? Keep a small box of garbage bags in the glove compartment. It's way easier to clean without having to go inside first.
Wear amber/orange tinted glasses/sunglasses 1hr+ before bedtime to increase melatonin in the brain, helping you going to sleep earlier, faster and more consistently.
When adding someone to your phone's contacts, put how you know them in the last name field.
Mave said:
When adding someone to your phone's contacts, put how you know them in the last name field.
I use the "title" field for that. Ends up showing something like this when browsing my contacts:
First Surname
Impulse said:
Mave said:
When adding someone to your phone's contacts, put how you know them in the last name field.
I use the "title" field for that. Ends up showing something like this when browsing my contacts:
First Surname
That's even better, thanks!

In you email inbox, search for "unsubscribe" to find all of the newsletters you never bother to unsub from. Take five minutes to do so now, and feel better.
If your power is out and want to confirm that others are also without power, use the Wi-Fi on your phone to browse for access points.
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