The Browser War Thread


  • Firefox

    Votes: 7 50.0%
  • Internet Explorer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Opera

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Google Chrome

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Safari

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other shit, nobody heard about it

    Votes: 1 7.1%

  • Total voters
So what if it has 100% on acid test, the performance etc is what counts, not this..
And where do you need 100%?
Even with IE 8.0 I can see all sites correctly, but it only gets 20%.

And you cant compare the versions of browsers. Chrom is v2, but its javascript engine is "already" v8. So it is pointless.
Mave said:
So what if it has 100% on acid test, the performance etc is what counts, not this..
Thats why I said Ashit test lulz xD Its pointless anyways but in this topic people were making that test have more value. I like Chrome so I use it.
Nobody realizes that what the acidtest is for.... is testing the browser's preformance

and I bet if your browser gets 20%, it doesnt display ALL pages correct

The NEW Firefox logo:

Firefox 3.5 RC will be in the beginning of June
btw Opera still be better
I tried Google chrome the other day, the speed is a bit better, but there's a lack of things you can do, and it crashes when performing heavy operations or having 20 windows opened at the same time, which I usually do.

Safari isn't so bad, but has trouble with a few things (forgot what it was), which is why i removed it.

IE isn't as bad as people say it is, it's the first browser I ever used, I still use it for a few things, like Windows Update.

Opera, I've never tried, but I'll check it out later.

So yeah, for the past 2 years I've been using Firefox as my main and default browser, and I'll continue using it ;)
Tried it one time, and it crashed after five mins :D

So that's why I uninstalled immediately ;)
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