The Anti-Mac Thread



I blurred out the genital areas myself lol.
Nice find. Better not to use the apple store.

Shouldn't this topic be more technical as it is in the "Tech Talk" board though? I hope this doesn't sound too strictly.
Nah, besides these funny images, some serious points are also made in here.
Oh shit my mac's processor is really hot I think my CPU fan died better open it up and see what's wrong

Oh wait.
GPow69 said:
Oh shit my mac's processor is really hot I think my CPU fan died better open it up and see what's wrong

Oh wait.
Is it the MacBook-Air? In the hotline section of a magazin I read about overheating problems which were causing performance problems because it scaled down the CPU.
Mave said:
Oh, cool, I can copy and paste!
Oh wait, but I can’t perform any other damn functions in Photoshop or otherwise.
And crap, I forgot which combination of 5 keys I need to hold down for right click to work on my 1-button mouse?a-sucks-for-gaming[/url]
Looks like someone hasn't used a Mac in about 10 years.
Right click does everything it does on a PC, both in OS X and applications.

Mave said:
I blurred out the genital areas myself lol.

GPow69 said:
Actually you can't open any of the newer macs.
Yes you can.

Andre said:
people who don't even know what exactly mac is flame at it. lol
Also, OSX is the most stable and easy to use operating system. Period.
I'm not saying OS X is better than Windows, but the only people that flame at macs are gamers. But I myself have no problem with having a Mac, if I had the money.

Anyway Steam is now supported on macs, and many games will be too. So it's getting better.
Steam is coming to Mac (or is it already?). And also COD4 works in Mac, so there should not be any problems with gaming anymore :P
Mauri said:
Steam is coming to Mac (or is it already?). And also COD4 works in Mac, so there should not be any problems with gaming anymore :P
Yeah, Steam is coming to Mac. There's a private beta which just recently started.
So, expect many more games to be on Mac.

And as WaFFLe said, if you must play your Windows-only games, then use Boot Camp.
It's only incapable of playing them on OS X, they run very well on a Mac with Windows.
Lrn2bootcamp :smile3:

Mave said:
[image of dildo]
I think we need some moderation of the moderator here...
Mave said:
TMS Forum Rules
#1.1 TMS is aimed at a general audience. This means our site is designed for all ages.
Explicit, vulgar language, drug talk, nudity, porn and so forth is not allowed.
#2.5 Content of posts should not be explicit, offensive, shocking, discussions of demerit commodities unless it is posted in an educational sense.
Should also be noted for your "wat do.. leave the apple store" image first on this page and GPow's "fuck yea".
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