Stubborn GFX Card


Well-Known Member
I have two gfx cards installed on my pc, the onboard and the dedicated. Half the time when I turn on my pc, the onboard works and the dedicated isn't detected - however the fan on the dedicated still spins. The only 50% of the time, the dedicated works. I've tried taking it out and cleaning the card and the port, however the problem still persists. I don't even have any idea as to what would cause this behavior.

Note that the BIOs is also displayed on whichever card decides to work when the pc is turned on.
A spinning fan doesn't necessarily mean that the GFX card is detected. It only means that it gets Power from the PSU.

Weird, I've never heard of that... Can you set in the BIOS which port it checks first on booting?
Pop out the card, and try it in another system, if its not booting up properly or not being recognized, chances are its dead, but the fan is spinning which tells me that its still alive most likely, or you have maybe fried the GPU... Try disabling the onboard...
I don't have access to another system I'd be allowed to mess with. If I disable the onboard via the bios, and I can't get the dedicated working again, I'm screwed aren't I?

Edit: I did a proper job of cleaning it and it seems to be working for now. I think my power supply is a little low for the card but it's been running it fine for the past few months. We'll see where things go :P.
Austin said:
I think my power supply is a little low for the card but it's been running it fine for the past few months. We'll see where things go :P.

Best upgrade that PSU before it pops and all your hardware gets fried..
I don't think it's possible to combine the power from an onboard with an external PCIx16 card... It might be possible to assign different tasks to separate video cards, but as you said only one or the other is being detected. Dual Video cards technology is fairly new, and for now it requires you to have the same company's video card if not the same model, in 2 PCIx16 slots with SLI...

There are only a small amount of Motherboards that allow this (generally ATI/AMD), and even then they don't work well together...

Anyways, using Onboard and external together isn't possible as far as I know :/.

Mind posting your onboard video and external, and your motherboard, so I can read some on it?

Never mind, I thought you meant something else ;_;

Maybe you should try and update your BIOS? That might help...
As far as I know, the PC always boots the onboard GPU when it is @ loading windows and before that...
MiRc34 said:
As far as I know, the PC always boots the onboard GPU when it is @ loading windows and before that...

If it did that, you wouldn't see anything on the screen at the BIOS and windows etc, unless your monitor was plugged into the onboard
Mine's plugged into my dedi card only, and I can see all the boot stuff :P
PCs always boot into RGA mode though, instead of DVI, which is why boot screens and stuff usually have shitty resolution :p
GPow69 said:
PCs always boot into RGA mode though, instead of DVI, which is why boot screens and stuff usually have shitty resolution :p
Yeah indeed. That's what got me confused but I am still stupid for forgetting that my monitor was plugged in the GPU and working while booting, then telling you that it boots on onboard XD
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