Some Tips...


Well-Known Member
I noticed that on a lot of the links are not working...I would get that sorted out. Also it doesn't seem like it's updated very much.
I noted that to him a few months back, he said hes working on a sweet new TheMaveSite.
I'm working on a new homepage but i need some help atm, zez when ur on, i need some pdn skills :p

edit : i need to remove the white borders and make all the icons transparent

drumthrasher109 said:
Dude...are you using plain HTML for that??? Use Dreamweaver or, what I recommend, WebPage-Maker.

look at the third tab... :P
bump !

new design preview :T

check it out right heerrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeee

drumthrasher109 said:
I noticed that on a lot of the links are not working...I would get that sorted out. Also it doesn't seem like it's updated very much.
The forums was just made 4 weeks ago. No need serious update.
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