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I think I have used Youtube for 5 years, made 1 account to upload 1 video, I find no real use for an account o.o .. Nice stat's however mave :)
Thanks Nimph, I gotta admit though, 2 years ago I uploaded a small clip from The Simpsons that was deleted the next day but still got me 1K views..
Channel Views1,843
Total Upload Views250,453

Account's been up for a year.
I have A LOT of YouTube accounts, but one of my channel where I have all lame Finnish YTPs has 100K upload views, but only 23 subscribers. But still my most viewed video has 34,710 views. Most subcribers what I have been was 155, but it got deleted by YouTube because I uploaded couple Pendulum songs :3

But about my current account, maurinima

Channel Views: 3,744
Total Upload Views: 2,535
Joined: December 02, 2009
Subscribers: 29
Channel Views: 893
Total Upload Views: 16465
Joined: 7 july 2008
Subscribers: 23
Uploads: 14

One of my videos has 12k+ views =D
Oh right, my very first account on YouTube turned 4 years old two days ago :3 16.10.2006

What's your YT account Imp? :wow:

Well... I beat you guys in subs but that's about it

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