Saints Row IV Collectors Edition


TMS Founder
This one's for you, Stybar.

Panki said:
This pretty much sums up everything wrong in gaming.

I'll admit, there are much better games available.

But I like to compare this to Fast and Furious 6. It may be shitty as fuck, but damn if it isn't fun to watch just for the heck of it. I'm not (nor did I ever) say that SR3 or SR4 is the pinnacle of gaming. I just said that I liked the ludicrously of it all. And that what makes it a FUN game. Not a GREAT game, a FUN game. A game you can play while drunk as fuck, or stoned of your ass, or completely sober, and laugh your goddamn ass off.

You want to know what's wrong with gaming? The gaming industry has become mainstream. And before you all start branding me as a goddamn hipster, what I mean is that these days EVERYBODY games. Alright, not everybody, but a great deal more people than "in the olden days"
The effect this has is that games are being designed for a group whose inteliigence is lower than average. Games aren't made for people who can finish Castlevania in one sitting on their first try. They're made for idiots who like to spend weeks playing online on Call of Duty. They don't even bother with the storyline, or the gameplay. They don't care for anything than graphics and new guns/cars. Want an example? Metroid was released (the original 2D scroller) on the Wii-U. Thousands of people tried it for their first time, and thousands of them cried out in anger when they hit a roadblock. "What do I do, where do I go?" Now, I must say, I never played Metroid either, and I haven't got a clue on what to do there. But I will be able to look for an answer. BECAUSE I'M NOT A FUCKING IDIOT.
You really want to know what's wrong with game companies these days? What's the cancer of the gaming industry? Devellopers don't expect me to be smart. They don't think that I'm not a fucking idiot. They create games that my 6 year old nephew can play. They expect me to think like a 6 year old. Because that's the average intelligence of the common gamer these days.

Gamers these days don't care about playing games, they care about competing against others, and looking at something shiny while doing it.

That said, not buying this Mave, not worth the money. As I said before, it'll just be crazy shit going on, and I just want it for shits and giggles.
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