Quick diagnoses


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A young doctor had moved out to a small community to replace a doctor who was retiring. The older doctor suggested that the young doctor accompany him on his rounds, so that the community could become used to the new one.
At the first house a woman complained, "I've been a little sick to my stomach." The older doctor dropped his stethoscope on the ground, and when he stood up, he said,
"Well, you've probably been overdoing it on the fresh fruit. Why not cut back on the amount you've been eating and see if that does the trick?"
As they left, the younger man said, "You didn't even examine that woman? How'd you come to the diagnosis so quickly?"
"I didn't have to. You noticed I dropped my stethoscope on the floor in there? When I bent over to pick it up, I noticed a half dozen banana peels in the trash. That's probably what was making her sick."
"Huh," the younger doctor said. "Pretty clever. I think I'll try that at the next house."
Arriving at the next house, they spent several minutes talking with a younger woman as she laid in bed. She complained that she just didn't have as much energy as she used to and said, "I'm feeling terribly run down lately."
The younger doctor replied, "You've probably been doing too much work for the Church. Perhaps you should cut back a bit and see if that helps."
As they left, the elder doctor said, "I know that woman well. Your diagnosis is almost certainly correct, but how did you arrive at it?"
"I did what you did at the last house. I dropped my stethoscope, and when I bent down to retrieve it, I noticed the preacher under the bed."
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