Police to send "test" youths to pubs


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DUBLIN (Reuters) – Ireland plans to allow police to send "test" youths to pubs from next month to check if landlords abide by laws prohibiting the sale of alcohol to those under 18, Justice Minister Dermot Ahern said on Tuesday.

Faced with one of Europe's worst binge drinking cultures which usually starts in teenage years, police will be authorized from October 1 to get permission from parents to train and send young people aged 15-17 to licensed premises.

If any alcohol is sold to the minors, the pub will be prosecuted and face fines or closure for a period.

"I want to stress that the objective of the scheme is to ascertain whether a licensee is complying with the law, not to trap an unwary licensee into committing an offence," Ahern said.

"The test purchaser must answer all questions about their age truthfully," Ahern said in a statement launching the "Test Purchasing Alcohol Scheme."

The tests will be canceled if the adolescents' safety is compromised in any way, he added.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20100921/od_nm/us_ireland_drink
I don't see the point of everything being bad when you drink some alcohol underage. Of course, too much is definitely NOT good, but come on...
I'm 13, and I have been drunk. I drink a beer with mates or some other stuff (43 with Milk :3), but not excessive. You can have fun w/o being drunk.
The thing is though, shady people hang out in pubs, so if a teenager ruins their "hang out" that teenage be fucked now =D
Me and my mates (almost) always go out at a drink or something when we go out. Doesn't mean that we get drunk tho...
But sometimes I do get drunk and you can't say that it isn't fun q:
I dont think there should be a drinking age im 21, I dont drink at all anymore! But when i did i would sometomes have 1 beer usally. I would have alot more rum and whiskey and stumble to my car. JK drinking and drivieing is bad. But my point is Kids are gonna drink yo say its bad or not, So why not let them do it safley!

Kitty said:
I dont think there should be a drinking age im 21, I dont drink at all anymore! But when i did i would sometomes have 1 beer usally. I would have alot more rum and whiskey and stumble to my car. JK drinking and drivieing is bad. But my point is Kids are gonna drink yo say its bad or not, So why not let them do it safley!


I'm a guy who always gets drunk.. but it does fuck you up, believe me.. you wake up feeling so fucked up XD
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