Peruvian doctors amputate wrong leg, then right one


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LIMA (Reuters) – Peruvian doctors amputated the healthy leg of an 86-year-old man, then amputated the other leg when they realized their mistake.

"I was shocked when I lifted the sheets and saw they had taken his left leg," the man's daughter, Carmen Villanueva, told Peruvian radio station RPP.

"The ulcer was on his right leg and they had to amputate that one too to keep the infection from spreading," she said.

The Alberto Sabogal Hospital in the coastal district of Callao just north of Lima said it had suspended the doctors involved in the botched surgery for a life-threatening ulcer, pending an investigation.

Source : Yahoo News
oh crap. I thought that stuff only happens in cartoons. I sure know now where I refuse operation even if it's a live or die situation
Quite a big mistake, can't understand how this is even possible.

One good thing is that the man is 86 already. So he probably doesn't have to walk around without legs for a long period.
If this would happen to me I'd feel so pissed and depressed for some time I think.
If this would happen in America you'd get a huge lawsuit xD
I read this on another news outlet too and it appears that the daughter is planning on suing the hospital. And that's what the "investigation" represents in the Yahoo article I think.
Thanks for the additional information, Andre, I hope the girl gets loads of cash.
But still... I don't think any sum of money can replace a leg...
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