Parents banned from sports day to avoid children getting stressed
A school has banned parents from attending their children’s sports day for fear of causing the pupils stress.
Staff have told parents the sports day is for children only but have invited parents from other schools to attend another sports event the next day.
Kenningtons Primary Academy in Aveley, Essex wrote to parents saying the annual sports day for children would be for "children only."
The letter from head teacher Miss Jo Sawtell said: "Last year, we were not able to accommodate parents as the field was waterlogged and some of the activities took place inside.
"For lots of children, sports day is a very stressful occasion. This is invariably linked to being watched by a large crowd.
“All decisions are primarily taken with the interests of children at heart."
One mother, who did not wish to be named, said: "Quite a few of us are upset about it. We are fuming. I have got friends who are teachers and they say they are crying out for parents that want to get involved.
"I did not realise wanting to get involved in the sports day would brand us bad parents. I am keeping my children off school that day and I know other mums that are.
"We will recreate their sports day if needs be. The letter says sports day is very stressful for children because of the crowds watching.
"But they are inviting parents from other schools so see another sports day the next day - even though we are not allowed to our own kids' sports day."
The angry parents have organised a meeting to discuss the ban and have threatened to keep their children at home on sports day.
Sue Wilkinson, a spokeswoman for the Association for Physical Education, said: "We would like to see parents engage right across the educational spectrum. We would actively encourage parents to be part of their children's education."
A school has banned parents from attending their children’s sports day for fear of causing the pupils stress.

Staff have told parents the sports day is for children only but have invited parents from other schools to attend another sports event the next day.
Kenningtons Primary Academy in Aveley, Essex wrote to parents saying the annual sports day for children would be for "children only."
The letter from head teacher Miss Jo Sawtell said: "Last year, we were not able to accommodate parents as the field was waterlogged and some of the activities took place inside.
"For lots of children, sports day is a very stressful occasion. This is invariably linked to being watched by a large crowd.
“All decisions are primarily taken with the interests of children at heart."
One mother, who did not wish to be named, said: "Quite a few of us are upset about it. We are fuming. I have got friends who are teachers and they say they are crying out for parents that want to get involved.
"I did not realise wanting to get involved in the sports day would brand us bad parents. I am keeping my children off school that day and I know other mums that are.
"We will recreate their sports day if needs be. The letter says sports day is very stressful for children because of the crowds watching.
"But they are inviting parents from other schools so see another sports day the next day - even though we are not allowed to our own kids' sports day."
The angry parents have organised a meeting to discuss the ban and have threatened to keep their children at home on sports day.
Sue Wilkinson, a spokeswoman for the Association for Physical Education, said: "We would like to see parents engage right across the educational spectrum. We would actively encourage parents to be part of their children's education."