Osama bin Laden Dead


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Osama Bin Laden is dead, President Obama announced Sunday night, in a televised address to the nation. His death was the result of a U.S. operation launched today in Abbottabad, Pakistan, against a compound where bin Laden was believed to be hiding, according to U.S. intelligence. After a firefight, a small team of American forces killed bin Laden and took possession of his body, the president said.

The announcement that Obama would speak came at 9:45 p.m., less than an hour before he was initially scheduled to go on the air. The unusual hour, and the fact that the White House gave no details about the topic, set off a flurry of speculation.

Officials long believed bin Laden, the most wanted man in the world, was hiding in a mountainous region along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border.

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/01/osama-bin-laden-dead-killed_n_856091.html
And... America is going to get fucked up again, it's so obvious :p
Bin Laden supposodly got shot in the head because there was no other option. Why do I not believe that and why do I think the US opperatives just shot him in the head while saying " USA USA USA ".
Impulse said:
Bin Laden supposodly got shot in the head because there was no other option. Why do I not believe that and why do I think the US opperatives just shot him in the head while saying " USA USA USA ".

It's funny you say that, because, It said on our news that he asked to surrender peacefully, and they shot him. Sounds like arrogant americans to me..
Have you guys seen the picture of dead Osama? Very nice photoshopping, I have to say.
Mauri said:
Have you guys seen the picture of dead Osama? Very nice photoshopping, I have to say.

But that photo was released by a Pakistani News Agency, not by the US government.
Mave said:
Mauri said:
Have you guys seen the picture of dead Osama? Very nice photoshopping, I have to say.

But that photo was released by a Pakistani News Agency, not by the US government.

I know, but still. :D

Go check 4chan /b/ by the way. lol.
Hasn't he been announced dead several times, and then been announced still alive again? ._.
It's somewhat weird that the more people are on the internet, they more they start to question things and disbelief gets bigger.

I think that Bush really has the urge to teabag Bin Laden lol.
Bye bye Osama, worlds best hide and seek player.

Why would the US be fucked up again? There honestly is no organization large enough atm that could.
I think the picture might be a fake but idk, can't really tell atm. (the news link was informative but didn't convince me)
Fries said:
Bye bye Osama, worlds best hide and seek player.

Why would the US be fucked up again? There honestly is no organization large enough atm that could.

How many people does it take to fly a plane into an American building? ( :troll: )

Really, I hope they reprise America, you deserve it.
Imo, flying a plane into a building doesn't really 'fuck us up' much.
It's one incident from which many die but the government just comes back w/ a vengeance.

Also, why should innocent Americans suffer b/c of the actions of the government? What if your government did something which another country would view as hurtful? Would you want to suffer as a result of it?
Thats quite a sadistic view on the situation.
Fries said:
Imo, flying a plane into a building doesn't really 'fuck us up' much.
It's one incident from which many die but the government just comes back w/ a vengeance.

Also, why should innocent Americans suffer b/c of the actions of the government? What if your government did something which another country would view as hurtful? Would you want to suffer as a result of it?
Thats quite a sadistic view on the situation.

Afaik my government doesn't enter every mans country and turn it upside down.

America (Government &/overly-patriotic-citizens) , from what I see, insist upon entering countries with beliefs or values that do not correspond with their own (Oh, and do not forget the black gold (oil), that's a valid excuse according to the American Government to enter any country.).

I also dislike the fact that every time America decides they wish to start a war, we (Australia, the allies :huh:) have to "help" assist the Americans. Iraq, Afghanistan just to name a few.
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