No saw? No problem!


TMS Founder
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Geen zaag bij? Geen probleem!
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We lopen wel gewoon keihard tegen een boom aan!
We'll just run into this tree at full speed!

There was a Jackass stunt where they tried something similar, but it ended up being cut because it didn't look really spectacular.
It ended up cutting up Knoxville's (or Steve-O's) hand pretty fucking bad. I can't seem to find the footage, however.
There was a Jackass stunt where they tried something similar, but it ended up being cut because it didn't look really spectacular.
It ended up cutting up Knoxville's (or Steve-O's) hand pretty fucking bad. I can't seem to find the footage, however.
I love this. "It didn't look painful enough, let's not use the footage."
I love this. "It didn't look painful enough, let's not use the footage."
Well yeah, it looked really unimpressive. They just... fell to the ground. The aftermath was great, but it was not that interesting to see, especially in a Jackass movie.
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