Need something to check LIVE internet usage per program


TMS Founder
Well the title basically says it all; I need a program that tells me what program is using how 'much' internet constantly.

I need this because; only firefox and xfire are open and though my net goes pretty slow.

But when I turn my wifi off and on (it's a button on my PC, so I'm sure that it's not another computer.)
it goes fast for like 3 minutes, so there is another program eating internet.

Please halp :sir:
Not sure if this is available,

However I think Xfire takes a lot of B/W.

Open task manager > Networking > Usage chart

See how much the usage is when firefox is closed and when xfire is closed / xfire open or firefox open.

Hope this helps !
^ No problem.

Remember, this might take a bit of time but a program would let you be lazy but now you feel like you're working to solve problems :wink:
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