Most useless subject you take in school?


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Mine is...

Catholic Religion, I mean I do believe in something, but I don't say that that is God, still I'm following Catholic Religion in school...
P.E. All we do is walk around the gym as it is cold outside, but I guess its useless because our coach is retarded and no one understands him when he speaks. But I guess it makes a good 'free' period and all we do is mess around talk :P
Evangelic religion here. It's so useless, you always talk about the same bullshit. We have "Drugs" atm, which has nothing to do with religion.
Physical Recreation: All we do is run around the oval.
Community Studies: We learn about the Indigenous Australians (Aboriginals/Abbo's/Coons) which I couldn't care for as I have other interests D:
Lol, makes me feel a lot better about my school. We have all the latest stuff like 3Ds Max 2009, Every Adobe CS4 Product (cost the school $8000 for the Photoshop licenses alone o.O) and the computers are relatively fast, the internet is BLAZING fast when nobody is using it, and a decent speed when it's being used a lot.

The PCs are pretty powerful too, even the older ones with the CRT monitors (Like 10 of those, all the rest have 20 inch LCD monitors lol)
Well, my school has a suggestion person where you tell him what would you like that the school should have.. but they will probably change them to pentium mmx at a max D:
^ Now that sucks...

I have lessons like; Photoshop, Flash, Illustrator, Indesign in school :3
They teach us how to make Folders and use Word

Damn, thats way outa my league. I can ALMOST make a folder, I give up like half way through D:

Mave said:
I have lessons like; Photoshop, Flash, Illustrator, Indesign in school :3

SAME But I'm so far ahead of the class that the past week or so I've just been working on a website for my portfolio for that class :P
Nice, it's always great when you're already far ahead of the rest of the class, bring space for other things.
Mave said:
Nice, it's always great when you're already far ahead of the rest of the class, bring space for other things.

Yeah like all my other subjects, I'm behind in everything else.
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