Modern Warfare 2 - Boycott FAIL


TMS Founder

That boycott probably is for the Multiplayer. I'm sure no one has anything against Single Player of MW2. I won't like MW2 MP either. Dedicated servers ftw.
Yeah of course it's for the multiplayer, you won't be able to run servers for yourself anymore, and a lot of people don't like that of course.

But this image is a bit ironic :ninja:

When you look at the title, and then at what they are playing... :laugh:
Ahh. Finally somebody bumped this topic. Now I can ask my question.

What does "Boycott" mean?
Ghost said:
Ahh. Finally somebody bumped this topic. Now I can ask my question.

What does "Boycott" mean?

Translated to nuub terms for me, Basically, Its when people dont like something, so they do something about it and usually try to not use the thing they are boycotting in any way.

For example, people boycotting a game don't like something about the game, and they say they arent gonna play it.
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