Microsoft threatens Halo: Reach players with 'permaban'


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Those who have downloaded the recently leaked Halo: Reach and plan to play it on Xbox Live should beware: Microsoft will act swiftly to remove you from the online gaming service.

According to Stephen Toulouse, Microsoft's director of Policy Enforcement for Xbox Live, Microsoft will permanently ban anyone who plays the leaked game on Xbox Live.

"As with all unauthorized play on Xbox Live, anyone playing any unauthorized title runs the risk of account 'permaban,'" Toulouse posted on his Twitter feed. "Remember, legit store-bought copies run no risk of ban. Keyword: unauthorized. We have ways of knowing."

Toulouse didn't say if the company had already banned some players, but it's clear that Microsoft is trying to act quickly to limit the latest Halo game's exposure to consumers.

Halo: Reach is scheduled to hit store shelves on September 14. Last week, copies started cropping up on several peer-to-peer file-sharing services. The game is still available on those sites, including The Pirate Bay.

Re: Those who have downloadedMicrosoft threatens Halo: Reach players with 'permaban'

This happened with Modern Warfare 2 also. So many players got banned for playing it before release :S
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