Meowing cheetahs

"Who's a cute little murdermachine? You are! Yesh, you are!"

Don't cats only meow to creatures they see as infants? Supposedly, regular cats meow to us because they think we're big, dumb kittens (which is also why they bring us prey - they think we're too stupid to get it on our own). So what is this cheetah trying to "say" to the humans?
"Who's a cute little murdermachine? You are! Yesh, you are!"

Don't cats only meow to creatures they see as infants? Supposedly, regular cats meow to us because they think we're big, dumb kittens (which is also why they bring us prey - they think we're too stupid to get it on our own). So what is this cheetah trying to "say" to the humans?

I always thought Cheetahs were the most "friendly" wild cats, as in least hostile.
And no clue what the Cheetah is trying to say, I also have no clue what my cat tries to say when he wakes me up at night meowing.
It's probably the same gist, but different context:

"Hey, get out! I'm hungry"
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