Massive Black Ops PC Update coming


#3 Top Poster Hurr Durr.
Hey PC gamers:

We are listening to you and we’ve been busy working on updates based on feedback from the community. We have already deployed a number of updates, and there will be many more to come. Stay tuned right here for all the latest info.

• Added an option to create shaders during load time. This fixes hitching when viewing a new area of the map for the first time on some video cards.
• Incomplete server browser results.
• Improvements to Quickmatch results (with better ping and reduced lag)..
• /connect
• /reconnect
• Improved threading performance on computers with only 2 cores.
• Fixed random freezes in certain computer configurations.
• Increased reserved slots to 9.
• Improvements to the spawn system to resolve an issue where negative spawn influencers from specific game events were not always being deleted after the danger had cleared – in some matches, this was causing good spawns to be erroneously flagged by the game as bad spawns, which in turn forced actual bad spawns to get selected later in the match
• Weekly and Monthly leaderboards will now track all kills, deaths and assists properly (All Time leaderboards were not affected by this)
• Prevention of killstreak selection getting disabled in Combat Training under rare conditions
• Array: Added collision to prevent players from partially clipping into a tree
• Launch: Added collision to prevent players from strafe jumping onto an invisible ledge at the base of the rocket near B3
• Summit: Added collision to prevent players from jumping to a location outside of the map boundary when in Custom Games where player speed is maxed out
• Havana: Added collision to prevent players from jumping onto an invisible ledge above a doorway at C2
• Nuketown: Adjusted a spawn point that would spawn players on top of a mannequin’s head when that mannequin was randomly spawned in that location
• Launch: User could access a small platform outside of the intended play space below the rocket gantry by jumping to a very specific location; now blocked from access
• Launch: User could access a small area inside geometry at vents near Dom flag A by going prone and moving around in a very specific location; now blocked from access
• Some users reported that weapon attachment challenges were not resetting after prestige; now all are guaranteed to clear as soon as selecting the prestige option
• Radar sweep when there are only 2 players left in One in the Chamber will stop functioning if the 2 players have multiple lives when the sweep starts
• Villa: User can clip into rock at west edge of grid zone B2 and see through to the other side
• Crisis: User can clip into LVT between grid zone A3 and B3 and see through to the other side
• User can get an infinite number of 'Sam Turret', 'Care Package' and 'Sentry Gun' killstreaks (commonly referred to as the “care package glitch”)

• CPU performance improvements
• Server browser bug fixes and tweaks to populate faster and do full refresh less often
• Fixed crash when viewing leaderboards if player has more than 99 friends
• Fix for locked ADS after pressing shift-TAB to bring up Steam overlay
• Fix for ADS while holding shift as a sniper
• CPU performance improvements
• Zombie matchmaking improvements
• Fix for locked ADS after pressing shift-TAB to bring up Steam overlay
• Fix for ADS while holding shift as a sniper

- Friends fix for join in progress and Friends tab in server browser.
- Performance improvement for dual and quad core.
- Improved connectivity with Black Ops Rcon tool.

- has bumped sv_maxrate to 25000 across all servers to reduce lag.
- continues to improve official server distribution in various worldwide regions.


Maffia gave me the link over xFire =D

Sounds awesome. Can't wait.
They should fix the crappy coding they did on the engine they use...
Same engine as MW2, which I can run on High settings, but yet I can't even get a proper framerate @ low settings...
MiRc34 said:
Imo Black Ops looks way better than MW2 (regarding the graphics).
It is more diverse, though the resolution of some textures seem to be pretty low from time to time.
And if I play it at the lowest, which then looks 10x worse then MW2, and I can't play it I think something went wrong then.
Impulse said:
MiRc34 said:
Imo Black Ops looks way better than MW2 (regarding the graphics).
It is more diverse, though the resolution of some textures seem to be pretty low from time to time.
And if I play it at the lowest, which then looks 10x worse then MW2, and I can't play it I think something went wrong then.

Buy a new GPU ??? Fixed =D
Maffia171 said:
Impulse said:
MiRc34 said:
Imo Black Ops looks way better than MW2 (regarding the graphics).
It is more diverse, though the resolution of some textures seem to be pretty low from time to time.
And if I play it at the lowest, which then looks 10x worse then MW2, and I can't play it I think something went wrong then.

Buy a new GPU ??? Fixed =D
Lmao indeed.
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