Man Has Thumb Replaced With Toe


TMS Founder
James Byrne, a 29 year old paver and plant operator from Bristol, sawed through his thumb last December. Doctors were unable to reattach the severed digit, so they opted for the next best thing: they talked Byrne into allowing them to transplant his big toe from his left foot.


Byrne says he can’t bend his makeshift thumb just yet – but he and his surgeon are confident that intense therapy should eventually allow him normal use of his hand again.


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No seriously, I think having that is better than having no thumb at all?
I mean, fuck the looks. Try living a day without using your thumb.
Panki said:
No seriously, I think having that is better than having no thumb at all?
I mean, fuck the looks. Try living a day without using your thumb.

:troll: He couldn't play console games

Panki said:
No seriously, I think having that is better than having no thumb at all?
I mean, fuck the looks. Try living a day without using your thumb.

I rather try to live without thumb than replace it with a toe.
Panki said:
Good luck writing with a pen.

:troll: Actually, it's possible you didn't amputate your writing hands thumb, even if you did, it's possible to become ambidexterous.
Even if I could write with only one thumb, missing any of them would be a major missing in your life. No more opening beer bottles, no more gaming, no more opening a bag... I once got a giant cut in my left thumb, painful enough to not be able to use it for a week or so, and even though I'm right handed, you will miss your other thumb. And you will curse. A lot.
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