Make the site faster


Well-Known Member
Washington, DC
I have been feeling that since a few months ago the server has gotten slower and slower, on most posts it says Page Created in 1+ seconds

And if I load an image it only does 30KB/s

Also, could you upload this file to the server so I can double check the download speed?

EDIT: I meant images hosted on TMS, also, this topic gave me this

Page created in 0.907 seconds with 19 queries.

almost 1 second :P


A video showing the slowness
Page created in 0.077 seconds with 20 queries.

It's your connections fault, not much we can do about that.

"QOTD: You know you've drunk too much when you actually ask the wife to drive you home. "

Panki said:
Page created in 0.077 seconds with 20 queries.

It's your connections fault, not much we can do about that.

I don't really think it's that, as the Page Created in X seconds is from inside the server

And, I can download fine from sites with higher pings then this

Here's a tracert (dunno if it matters):

Traza a la dirección []
sobre un máximo de 30 saltos:

  1     1 ms     1 ms     1 ms
  2    13 ms    23 ms    49 ms []
  3     *        *        *     Tiempo de espera agotado para esta solicitud.
  4     *        *        *     Tiempo de espera agotado para esta solicitud.
  5     *        *        *     Tiempo de espera agotado para esta solicitud.
  6    13 ms    28 ms    12 ms []
  7    13 ms    14 ms    11 ms []

  8    13 ms    15 ms    15 ms []
  9   208 ms   188 ms   193 ms
 10   183 ms   183 ms   186 ms
 11   181 ms   185 ms   185 ms []
 12   265 ms   178 ms   323 ms []
 13   143 ms   150 ms   149 ms []
 14   146 ms   156 ms   149 ms [173.192.1
 15   172 ms   175 ms   178 ms [173.192.1
 16   263 ms   263 ms   263 ms [173.192.1
 17   186 ms   181 ms   176 ms [173.192.1
 18   279 ms   291 ms   283 ms [173.192.1
 19   209 ms   213 ms   210 ms [173.192.1
 20   206 ms   207 ms   207 ms [173.192.1
 21   210 ms   210 ms   207 ms [67.228.11
 22   212 ms   210 ms   206 ms []

And to my site:

Traza a la dirección []
sobre un máximo de 30 saltos:

  1     1 ms     1 ms     1 ms
  2    15 ms    14 ms    16 ms []
  3     *        *        *     Tiempo de espera agotado para esta solicitud.
  4     *        *        *     Tiempo de espera agotado para esta solicitud.
  5     *        *        *     Tiempo de espera agotado para esta solicitud.
  6    14 ms    11 ms    12 ms []
  7    12 ms    12 ms    12 ms []

  8    34 ms    13 ms    12 ms []
  9   192 ms   199 ms   197 ms
 10   190 ms   192 ms   197 ms
 11   267 ms   183 ms   191 ms []
 12   186 ms   181 ms   195 ms
 13   189 ms   162 ms   191 ms []
 14   208 ms   179 ms   179 ms []
 15   218 ms   219 ms   200 ms [72.52.92
 16   233 ms   243 ms   227 ms [72.52.92
 17   205 ms   191 ms   194 ms [184.105.
 18   197 ms   191 ms   210 ms
 19   199 ms   193 ms   195 ms
 20   196 ms   194 ms   214 ms

My site always maxes out my connection.
What I have is that it is fast most of the times, but sometimes it's just damn slow for a couple of hours. Don't know if that is me or not.
ThePro said:
I don't really think it's that, as the Page Created in X seconds is from inside the server
That's correct. The page creation time is calculated by SMF and it means how long it takes PHP to fetch the page for you. I also checked some parts of the forums and got load times from 0.350 to 0.550 seconds usually (and some exceptions of 1.6 seconds from Post your desktop topic for example). That's definitely a sign of some serious server overloading, but there's no-one to blame except for cheap hosting providers who drive the price down constantly and thereby make customers suffer. Although I assume one must be ready for some problems and speed issues when they're paying only like $10 a month and hosting a huge site on it.

I have access to a few forums which run on their own dedicated server boxes together with either SA-MP, MTA or Minecraft servers running by side. But for a quick comparison I checked the usual loading speed from SF-SE.
my forum's largest topic (59000+ replies): Page created in 0.038 seconds with 20 queries.
TMS' largest topic (4100+ replies): Page created in 0.85 seconds with 18 queries.
TMS loading is 22 times slower.

There would be a few things to do:
1. enable cache (I'd recommend APC). The results won't often show in regular topics because I doubt any of the post content is cached. But memstorage is much much faster than loading from databases or files. Although this may not be possible with this host...
2. optimize tables (and run the regular maintenance on logs and shit in the admin section)
3. remove very old/useless "unread topic" entries for members who haven't been online for a long time. I assume there are hundreds of thousands if not millions of useless entries like that in TMS' database.
4. get a new hosting provider, a more powerful server

I doubt the connection of the site datacentre or anyone's home line would be questioned if the PHP times are as slow as they are. I suppose the forum is stuck on a crowded dedi box with another shitload of sites running on it and your hoster is probably making hell of a profit at the moment.
Well, I normally optimize all tables every few days, but it took a while now.

Your database contains 78 tables.
Attempting to optimize your database...
Optimizing smf_admin_info_files... 10.28 kb optimized.
Optimizing smf_log_actions... 0.23 kb optimized.
Optimizing smf_log_errors... 1.86 kb optimized.
Optimizing smf_log_floodcontrol... 0.07 kb optimized.
Optimizing smf_log_online... 4.86 kb optimized.
Optimizing smf_log_scheduled_tasks... 1.20 kb optimized.
Optimizing smf_log_search_results... 0.11 kb optimized.
Optimizing smf_log_topics... 1.30 kb optimized.
Optimizing smf_sessions... 233.83 kb optimized.

9 table(s) optimized.

I also empty out the unimportant logs from time to time.

1 -> Not possible on this server/
2 -> Already exlpained above
3 -> If you could assist me with that I could do it.
4 -> I don't have money for a new host (also note that this host has been paid until December 2012)
I was about to post something like you, panki, but I couldn't bust ass to find the right words..

But yeah, TMS is epicly fast sometimes, but sometimes damn slow D:
I just had a phase where it took 12 seconds to create the page. But suddenly, they load all at once.
Yes sometimes, usually in the mornings here, for about 10 minutes tms will take a bit to load :huh:
TMS is very rarely slow for me, so that doesn't bother me at all. ::3:


Or actually, it does. I die a bit inside when I can't browse TMS. Damn you Mave for making me addicted to this site. ;__;

I just noticed that search is damm slow..

What can we do to fix it? said:
5: If you are going to enable search, and are not or cannot use Sphinx, use a Large Custom Index. SMF's custom index works by taking a hash of every available word, and then building an index of which words point to which messages. 'Small' means this is a 16 bit hash, 'Moderate' is 24 and 'Large' is a 32 bit hash. 'Large' is thus only two bytes larger per record than small is, plus an additional number of records based on the average number of unique words per post you have - which is not going to be a significant increase. The speed improvement you get for the additional ~40% space usage is well worth it.
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