Mafia II sets world record as most profane game


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That's f*cking ridiculous!

With hundreds of f-bombs, Mafia II has earned one of the most dubious distinctions in the gaming industry.
It's been designated with the Guinness World Record for "most swearing in a video game."
Specifically, it has more f-bombs than any other game.
The title previously belonged to House of the Dead: Overkill. That game has a script in which 3% of all spoken words are the four-letter bombshell, or 189 times in total.


Above: Thanks to a lot of video compiling, Guinness has accepted Mafia II as the most profane game ever.

But Guinness has already verified more than 200 instances of the same word in Mafia II. It has already given over the title even though record officiators are still combing over the script to get a final f-count.
That's gotta be a fun job.
Although ESRB's rating summary for Mafia II is four paragraphs and more than 350 words long, the only reference to the record-breaking foul language is in one sentence that reads, "Language such as 'f**k,' 'sh*t,' and ''n**ger' can be heard in the dialogue."
The game has a Mature rating with "Strong Language," among five other descriptors.


Above: If you always found yourself in situations like this, you’d curse a lot too.

Guinness became aware of the record-setting distinction after the blog made a video compilation of 200 unique uses of the f-word.
Thanks goodness for people like this. Seriously. Feel free to watch the compilation video below (but be aware is it totally NSFW!)


So[/media]urce: [url=]
^Thanks, maff.
Nice, Mauri. This is one of the reasons I will play the game. A deep shit situation NEEDS swearing imo. None of that CoD bullshit.


Maffia171 said:
For the guys that wanna play the game I wouldn't watch the vid. It shows a lot from the missions

You can listen to it though and it's hilarious xD
Really i thought the video made the gameplay look kinda genric and run of the mill. Im worried its gonna be so profane that its the only cool thing in the game. I hope im wrong the first mafia game was awesome as heck!
^It's good, but there is no replay-ability to this game. That's what I heard from a lot of Lets Plays I have been watching of this game. So if you beat it once, there is no point in going back to the game, as there isn't much to do after.

If it's the most profane game shouldn't you also count all the "bullshit" "shit" and other stuff?
Yeah it is fun! All the missions are hard but the objectives are stright forward, Plus there is like not alot/ any options in how you play a mission. So yeah i would have to say i will prbally uninstall this when i am done. Just like aman said there is NO REPLAY value zero zilch nadda!
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