
[TMS]Slayer said:
I have like 900+ points haha. But I haven't logged in like 2 months...

I need some advice... Should I go for an iPod Shuffle, or a PC game? I can't decide. After I get one, I'm gonna quit lockerz
I would get a PC game but thats cause I already got a iPod Video and a iPhone.
Maffia171 said:
[TMS]Slayer said:
I have like 900+ points haha. But I haven't logged in like 2 months...

I need some advice... Should I go for an iPod Shuffle, or a PC game? I can't decide. After I get one, I'm gonna quit lockerz
I would get a PC game but thats cause I already got a iPod Video and a iPhone.
Yeah... but I dont wanna wait till I get like 14000 points... I barely have 1000..
Oh, I thought he said Get a PC... I skimmed through his post >_<. But, yeah thanks for the suggestion Maffia, I'll think about it when the next redemption comes out. I have an iPod touch too, but I was thinking about getting it for a IRL friend..
GPow69 said:
He just wants a secondary opinion to help make a final decision.
Yeah, but deciding on two different things is a personal choice, depending on what he wants/needs more.
Anyway, if you don't already have an MP3 player/iPod, I'd go for the Shuffle.
^^An amazing site, if you like getting free stuff and can spare a min. everyday.

Lockerz is a site that allows you to get free stuff by racking up pointz, or PTZ and using them to "redeem" items (theres a redemption every month or so)
I, myself, have been using the site for a long time now and can vouch for its authenticity (I've received a t-shirt and a copy of Grand Theft Auto 4 for PS3)

You rack up PTZ by:
1. Logging in (gets you 2 ptz)
2. Answering daily questions (2 ptz)
3. Watching videos (ptz varies)

You can also multiply the amt of ptz you receive from each of the above by either
1. Becoming a z-lister (invite 20 people to join)
2. Purchasing the ultimate wallpaper

You can also use PTZ to get discounts on items in the store, which can be purchased at any time (as long as the items are in stock)

If you want to join, you can register at the home page (

But, if you want to join, I would appreciate it if you left your e-mail address below or PM'ed it to me (so I can invite you and get 1 step closer to z-lister status)
Lockerz is turning evil D:

Panki said:
FML I'm just listening to Number Of the Beast by Iron Maiden ;_;


Sorry Fries, but I already have account there and also I'm Z lister.
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