Limera1n is out! OFFICIAL


Bronx, New York
www, for more info
Waiting for it to be itouch 2g compatible
Works on a wide range of devices and can't be fixed through OS updates! :D
I want to upgrade my iPhone 3G from 3.1.2 jailbroken to 4.1 (and then jailbreak it, I need that because my iPhone needs an unlock)
But I'm scared of the lagggggg on 4.1 for my 3G.
I've heard there is lag, but I've also seen various things in cydia which disable things like the multi tasking.
Yeah but multi-tasking is like THE greatest advantage of 4.0and+4.0 iOS, so if you disable that well... :/
Mave said:
Yeah but multi-tasking is like THE greatest advantage of 4.0and+4.0 iOS, so if you disable that well... :/
Apple disabled it for a reason - trust me, you really don't want to put your 128MB-of-RAM-filled-iPhone through the rape of trying iOS 4+ multitasking.
Yeah well uhm I won't do it unless I'm absolutely sure, I don't want to mess up my iPhone.
So... what is wrong with using the OS the manufacturer designed specifically for the iPhone?
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