Not sure if this is the right place, but eh, found this along my travels.
Anatidaephobia is the fear that somewhere in the world, there is a duck watching you.
You can't hum while holding your nose closed.
You're more likely to die on your way to buy a lottery ticket than you are to actually win the lottery.
If you touch your tongue while yawning, it can stop the yawn.
Women speak about 7000 words a day. The average man averages just over 2000.
The length between your pinky and your thumb is about the same as the size of your penis.
When a person is tickled, the response is actually a form of panic, as the brain interprets the tickling sensation as produced by spiders or other creepy crawlies on your skin - the uncontrollable laughter is a response to panic.
Grapes EXPLODE when you put them in the microwave!
A squirrel can run on a path of very sharp razor blades and not get a single cut. (or in other words, scientists get bored too sometimes).
It cost 7 million dollars to build the Titanic and 200 million to make a film about it.
India has MORE cellphones than TOILETS.
A person cant lick their own elbow.
When you put a seashell next to your ear, it's the sound of your blood surging in your veins, not the ocean.
'Dysania' is the state of finding it hard to get out of bed in the morning. (well at least my condition has a name).
Only 55% of all Americans know that the sun is a star.
Oysters can change genders back and forth.
One tablespoon of semen has approximately 20 calories. Semen also contains zinc and calcium which helps prevent tooth decay. (so next time when your woman gives you a head, remember, you are the one doing HER a favor)
The Bible is the number one most shoplifted book of all time.
Breathing the air in Mumbai, India for just ONE DAY, is equivalent to smoking 2.5 packs of cigarettes.
Make a fist with your left hand, squeeze your left thumb, then put your right index finger down your throat. NO GAG REFLEX. (how on earth did they discover that one)
At exactly 06 minutes and 07 seconds after 5 o'clock on August 9th of this year it will be 05:06:07 08/09/10. This will not happen again until the year 3010 (then again, if you live in a place where they put the day before the month, it would also happen on September 8th).
McDonald's SALADS are more fattening than their burgers.
You can see for yourself in their nutrition facts. A hamburger at McDonald's has 9 grams of fat. A cheeseburger has 12 grams of fat. The Premium Caesar salad with crispy chicken has 17 grams of fat. The Premium Southwest Salad with crispy chicken and the Premium Bacon Ranch Salad with crispy chicken both have 20 grams of fat.
On top of that, SALAD DRESSING adds EVEN MORE fat. If you want to add Creamy Southwest Dressing, it's 6 more grams of fat. The Ranch Dressing has 15 grams of fat. The Creamy Caesar Dressing has 18 grams of fat. So, if you get a salad with crispy chicken and salad dressing, you could be consuming 35 grams of fat - the fat equivalent of 4 hamburgers.
The female praying mantis RIPS OFF THE MALE'S HEAD during sex! (while the human female takes her time and do it over the years).
Having blue eyes is actually a mutation. Before the mutation occurred, all humans had brown eyes.
Men have nipples because, as an embryo, everyone is a female until the Y chromosome kicks in. (or as my girl says, until the stupid chromosome kicks in)
In Topeka, Kansas it is illegal to sing the alphabet on the streets at night. It is also illegal to install a bathtub, and you may not scream in a haunted house.
Colgate faced big obstacle marketing toothpaste in Spanish speaking countries because Colgate translates into the command 'go hang yourself.'
In Singapore, you can't walk in YOUR OWN HOUSE naked.
Tanning can give you cancer and kill you. Tans are just damaged skin cells.
Anatidaephobia is the fear that somewhere in the world, there is a duck watching you.
You can't hum while holding your nose closed.
You're more likely to die on your way to buy a lottery ticket than you are to actually win the lottery.
If you touch your tongue while yawning, it can stop the yawn.
Women speak about 7000 words a day. The average man averages just over 2000.
The length between your pinky and your thumb is about the same as the size of your penis.
When a person is tickled, the response is actually a form of panic, as the brain interprets the tickling sensation as produced by spiders or other creepy crawlies on your skin - the uncontrollable laughter is a response to panic.
Grapes EXPLODE when you put them in the microwave!
A squirrel can run on a path of very sharp razor blades and not get a single cut. (or in other words, scientists get bored too sometimes).
It cost 7 million dollars to build the Titanic and 200 million to make a film about it.
India has MORE cellphones than TOILETS.
A person cant lick their own elbow.
When you put a seashell next to your ear, it's the sound of your blood surging in your veins, not the ocean.
'Dysania' is the state of finding it hard to get out of bed in the morning. (well at least my condition has a name).
Only 55% of all Americans know that the sun is a star.
Oysters can change genders back and forth.
One tablespoon of semen has approximately 20 calories. Semen also contains zinc and calcium which helps prevent tooth decay. (so next time when your woman gives you a head, remember, you are the one doing HER a favor)
The Bible is the number one most shoplifted book of all time.
Breathing the air in Mumbai, India for just ONE DAY, is equivalent to smoking 2.5 packs of cigarettes.
Make a fist with your left hand, squeeze your left thumb, then put your right index finger down your throat. NO GAG REFLEX. (how on earth did they discover that one)
At exactly 06 minutes and 07 seconds after 5 o'clock on August 9th of this year it will be 05:06:07 08/09/10. This will not happen again until the year 3010 (then again, if you live in a place where they put the day before the month, it would also happen on September 8th).
McDonald's SALADS are more fattening than their burgers.
You can see for yourself in their nutrition facts. A hamburger at McDonald's has 9 grams of fat. A cheeseburger has 12 grams of fat. The Premium Caesar salad with crispy chicken has 17 grams of fat. The Premium Southwest Salad with crispy chicken and the Premium Bacon Ranch Salad with crispy chicken both have 20 grams of fat.
On top of that, SALAD DRESSING adds EVEN MORE fat. If you want to add Creamy Southwest Dressing, it's 6 more grams of fat. The Ranch Dressing has 15 grams of fat. The Creamy Caesar Dressing has 18 grams of fat. So, if you get a salad with crispy chicken and salad dressing, you could be consuming 35 grams of fat - the fat equivalent of 4 hamburgers.
The female praying mantis RIPS OFF THE MALE'S HEAD during sex! (while the human female takes her time and do it over the years).
Having blue eyes is actually a mutation. Before the mutation occurred, all humans had brown eyes.
Men have nipples because, as an embryo, everyone is a female until the Y chromosome kicks in. (or as my girl says, until the stupid chromosome kicks in)
In Topeka, Kansas it is illegal to sing the alphabet on the streets at night. It is also illegal to install a bathtub, and you may not scream in a haunted house.
Colgate faced big obstacle marketing toothpaste in Spanish speaking countries because Colgate translates into the command 'go hang yourself.'
In Singapore, you can't walk in YOUR OWN HOUSE naked.
Tanning can give you cancer and kill you. Tans are just damaged skin cells.