Scientists recently found out that birth is hereditary...if your parents didn't have any kids, you probably won't either.
Q: What's the furriest side of a cat? A: The outside
What does an alligator have that no other animal has? A: Baby alligators
Watching your wife/girlfriend give birth is like watching your favorite playground get bulldozed.
Two blondes are sitting in a cafe when a man with a nasty case of dandruff walks by. One says "someone should really give him some head and shoulders." the other replies, "how do you give shoulders?"
Q: How do you find Will Smith in the snow? A: Follow the fresh prints!
Q: Why don't bikes stand up without leaning? A: They're two-tired
A pirate walks into a bar with his pants unzipped and a steering wheel is sticking out of his pants. Bartender says,"What's up with the steering wheel." The pirate says, " Arrr....I dunno but it's driving me nuts."
Two blondes are sitting in a cafe when a man with a nasty case of dandruff walks by. One says "someone should really give him some head and shoulders." the other replies, "how do you give shoulders?"
A pirate walks into a bar with his pants unzipped and a steering wheel is sticking out of his pants. Bartender says,"What's up with the steering wheel." The pirate says, " Arrr....I dunno but it's driving me nuts."