Nimphiouus TMS Fuhrer. (Non_Poster) Messages 1,653 Oct 27, 2011 #2 If this is real.... people take laziness to a new level...
Aman1238 #swag Messages 4,644 Location United States Oct 27, 2011 #3 ^Laziness to a "new level" I see what you did thar. (Or not.)
Rafay var nerd; nerd = db_getUser("rafay"); Messages 2,106 Location Pakistan Oct 27, 2011 #4 ARE YOU MOTERHFUCKIN' SERIOUS? WHAT IS THIS? AMERICA?!
Nimphiouus TMS Fuhrer. (Non_Poster) Messages 1,653 Oct 27, 2011 #6 I would be more understanding if it was just plain stairs, since it is a steep hill, but theres no need for it to be an escalator.
I would be more understanding if it was just plain stairs, since it is a steep hill, but theres no need for it to be an escalator.
Aman1238 #swag Messages 4,644 Location United States Oct 29, 2011 #8 It's in Singapore
Mave TMS Founder Administrator Messages 236,164 Location Belgium Oct 29, 2011 #9 ^ That surprises me, would have put my money on America