how to synchronize audio with a video?


Well-Known Member
I just downloaded "Lords of Dogtown" and I'm dying to watch this but the audio is out of sync. I can't find a better download or streaming link either... It is an avi file. So if you know how to get it to sync or have a good download please help me out :)
In VLC press "ctrl k" Audio delay up or "ctrl l" Audio delay down.

BTW: Come back man.
Thanks Mave. I'll use it next time :)
This time I just played the movie in 2 windows and got the sound from one matching to the video from the other XD

About me "coming back" as becoming more active again I can't really promise much. I just come whenever i feel like :P What I can say for sure is that I'll never forget about this great forum ;)
^ lmao nice solution lol.

And yeah hope to see you active again man, good ol' times :)
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