Happy birthday SFSFv2!

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Yes it is ten thousand times better, but MTA is not the game where you can build a steady big player base with. Plus we already have a SA-MP script.

We don't yet tho' have anyone that could remap bigger parts of the world, if someone is up for the job (in cooperation with others - i would prefer long-time SFSFv2 members or crew members) please post here. Also I think I have a pretty damn good idea for who would be a great head administrator.

Also I have a lot of scriptwriting to do. This means before August there won't be a sight of it (specially if Mave can't map before August) and developing some more will probably last until September but perhaps then we can enjoy SFSFv2! We even have a domain (SFSFv2.us) and perhaps Frost can renew it also when it is supposed to run out! Or maybe we can get another domain.

Anyways we need to plan it through nicely.
I could try to map some stuff. Like to map anyways :P
Though I'll be off to spain for 3 weeks on sunday xD
I would love to map, but if I map, I don't like any other maps in my 'world' D:
I would map everything from scratch :T
Bring in money ;_;

I just bought a test server on ServerFFS.

If you want to test scripts, anything then I'll give you the password to the ServerFFS control panel.

This is an organized plan to me;

1: Upload the GM to the ServerFFS server
2: Build upon it, test it, debug
3: Map, modify and customize the GM
4: Bring up the SFSFv2 forums / website / panel
5: Prepare SFSFv2 for RE-LAUNCH

I request a few revisions of the GM;
-Hash ALL Passwords in the MySQL database for security purposes.
-Debug some panel functions since they can be XSS'ed. (Cross-Site scripted.)

Mave and Andre need to debate where to host the server.

1: ServerFFS / Any location
2: My server / Dallas, Texas

A seperate IP on my line would result in more stable ping than ServerFFS since they share bandwidth on servers.

On the XSZ server, i have 19 ping on our DEDI.

19 Stable, NEVER moves.

On serverFFS's i get around 69 ping and jumps to 78 every few seconds.. still usable.

BTW, you need to decide the servers location if you want to choose serverFFS but I'd recommend NL?

Also, i can host 75 slots for now, until SFSF gets bigger i won't waste money on expanding player slots that wont be used.

Security concerns;
This time we will have a 12-16 length character password, the E-Mail on the ServerFFS account will be absolutely secured (atleast 26 character pass on the E-Mail, no option to recover a password using security answers since my E-Mail is on cPanel)

This time only 3 people will have access to the panels and IP logs will be enabled on the ServerFFS panel.
Me, Mave and Andre will only have access to the panel, NO ONE ELSE.

ALL scripts uploaded to the panel will be in the AMX format, no PWN's uploaded + ANTI-DE-AMX added into those scripts.

There will be a more advanced administration system on the server, my request is;
For example, if GPow has an administrator account on the server through our script, there will be an IP check upon login if it's not the IP that first logged into the account then they will be kicked.

There will be no functions on the administrator script that follows;
-Changing player names (Remember when that guy xxClumxx changed everyones name? not gonna happen)
-Changing server name (Remember when BoxFever101 gave level5 admin to FeaR and he locked the server? not gonna happen)

This time we will do our best to maintain maximum security and a reliable player-safe enviroment.
Can we call it SFSFv3 though cause v2 is going through the cycle of death and rebirth now again :o
GPow69 said:
Can we call it SFSFv3 though cause v2 is going through the cycle of death and rebirth now again :o

Seeing as most of the stuff is gonna be NEW, i say YES.

Seeing as this situation is totally different, I SAY YES.

Seeing as FeaR has quit SA-MP, I SAY YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Biggest part :o)
Would you count me as longtime member? I would :P
I'm not a pro at mapping, but I want to learn. I mapped a house for me :D
FrostBytez said:
Mave and Andre need to debate where to host the server.
1: ServerFFS / Any location
2: My server / Dallas, Texas
The only problem I see with your server is the location and hence the ping and connection to the majority of our users (from Europe). But if your connection is fast and connected to good backbones that shouldn't be a problem at all. Specially since we are talking about hosting the site and server on one machine for community enhancement (tied databases perhaps).

FrostBytez said:
I request a few revisions of the GM;
-Hash ALL Passwords in the MySQL database for security purposes.
-Debug some panel functions since they can be XSS'ed. (Cross-Site scripted.)

Security concerns;
This time we will have a 12-16 length character password, the E-Mail on the ServerFFS account will be absolutely secured (atleast 26 character pass on the E-Mail, no option to recover a password using security answers since my E-Mail is on cPanel)

This time only 3 people will have access to the panels and IP logs will be enabled on the ServerFFS panel.
Me, Mave and Andre will only have access to the panel, NO ONE ELSE.

ALL scripts uploaded to the panel will be in the AMX format, no PWN's uploaded + ANTI-DE-AMX added into those scripts.

There will be a more advanced administration system on the server, my request is;
For example, if GPow has an administrator account on the server through our script, there will be an IP check upon login if it's not the IP that first logged into the account then they will be kicked.
The passwords already are SHA1-hashed on the new gamemode. Breaking the hash of course is possible but with hash colliding and that's a real rare chance and no-one would bother wasting a shitload of time trying to break our password hashes. Furthermore your server is secure so no-one can get access to it anyways.

Our passwords have always been like 14 characters long and generated by a cPanel secure password generator of Mave's and never has our server been in any uncomfort due to insecure passwords. Also our security on serverFFS panel has always been maximized with a list of allowed IPs and IP logging, but I doubt we're going to use serverFFS for the cause? And of course we have always uploaded only AMX format of the script with anti-deamx used.

Giving an administrator a list of usable IP addresses sounds good, we can do it nicely controlled on the database with wildcards etcetera, but (even in theory) is there a chance for someone to want and abuse the system? It all comes down to a good admin team - we know who our admins are and we know how they act and once there's a doubt it can be checked. I don't see a reason to work on a system like this even more since our passwords are now hashed and server more secure than ever before.

As for the XSS scripting possibility I'm going to have someone to debug it (you perhaps). But I've removed possibilities for SQL injection and no other form data is ran on the server. I don't see a possibility but there might be.

FrostBytez said:
There will be no functions on the administrator script that follows;
-Changing player names (Remember when that guy xxClumxx changed everyones name? not gonna happen)
-Changing server name (Remember when BoxFever101 gave level5 admin to FeaR and he locked the server? not gonna happen)

This time we will do our best to maintain maximum security and a reliable player-safe enviroment.
Changing player names as I recon would stay in. xClumx guy betrayed me more than once so not to worry - we won't have people like him in our team. Changing the server name really is out of the question though as we have a script changing the name every few seconds.

Actually you might disagree with me and it will be all fine then but I really doubt that we need any sort of special security method for our staff. We don't need to make admins feel like this is the North Korea and FrostBytez is the Kim Jong-il watching every move the admin makes. We have always centered our staff on efficiency and having fun and that's what keeps up a good morale. Providing good working space is the least I can do scriptwise for the staff, this means more functions and better communication methods. Having everything tightly supervised (specially my own team, people I can trust) is out of the question, "not gonna happen" as you would say.

You can provide the server but we're not going to play this entirely by your rules.
Andre said:
Actually you might disagree with me and it will be all fine then but I really doubt that we need any sort of special security method for our staff. We don't need to make admins feel like this is the North Korea and FrostBytez is the Kim Jong-il watching every move the admin makes. We have always centered our staff on efficiency and having fun and that's what keeps up a good morale. Providing good working space is the least I can do scriptwise for the staff, this means more functions and better communication methods. Having everything tightly supervised (specially my own team, people I can trust) is out of the question, "not gonna happen" as you would say.

You can provide the server but we're not going to play this entirely by your rules.
Yes, these were requests.

Before deciding what server we choose.

I will ask all the users to do the following;

I want to collect statistics on the average latency in Europe.

Get to the CMD prompt then type in:

(CTRL + V will not work to paste the command, right click and select "PASTE")

-My result- (USA)
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 18ms, Maximum = 28ms, Average = 23ms

My ping is GREAT to my server.

I'm thinking users from Europe would get around 150-180 depending on their connection strength.

-GPow's result- (Canada)
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 48ms, Maximum = 53ms, Average = 50ms

-Maffia's Result- (Netherlands)
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 124ms, Maximum = 125ms, Average = 124ms

-ThePro's result- (Argentina)
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minnimum = 173ms, Maximum = 194ms, Average = 178ms

-Deadly_Evil's result- (Pakistan)
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 277ms, Maximum = 287ms, Average = 279ms

-TheTruths result-(Brazil)
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 190ms, Maximum = 212ms, Average = 202ms

-BlackthornMetal's result- (Spain)
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 164ms, Maximum = 168ms, Average = 166ms

Anywhere in the US: 20-30 MS
Canada: 50-70 MS
Netherlands: 125-190 MS
Argentina: 170-200 MS
Pakistan: 279-330 MS
Brazil: 190-202 MS
Spain: 160-180 MS

Here are my results:
Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 150ms, Maximum = 153ms, Average = 151ms
Is from The Netherlands
I might be able to get statistics from Spain. I'll post them if I have them then.
The worst ping i can see is Deadly_Evil's but he even has 200 ping to his own city..


So far, i think my US server is providing VERY good ping for the rest of the world, THEPLANET FTW!!
Maffia171 said:
My result was with 3MB internet ;____;
Pinging speed has something to do with your download/upload speed only in theory and in case of a really slow connection since it is one packet being sent and received and sent back from the receiver. Ping depends more on your ISP and how their systems work.

Ping 200 on a server offered to us for free is better than nothing.

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=176ms TTL=47
Reply from bytes=32 time=186ms TTL=47
Reply from bytes=32 time=197ms TTL=47
Reply from bytes=32 time=208ms TTL=47

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 176ms, Maximum = 208ms, Average = 191ms

But then again my net sucks as well.
Well, here's mine.

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 1, Lost = 3
             (75% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 178 ms, Maximum = 178 ms, Average = 178 ms
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