Got new graphics card

Underground? The graphics make me sick :dry3:
I had that game on GAME BOY ADVANCE :fool3:

I want good graphics D:
Impulse said:
SHIFT is pretty nice, but if your looking for a racing sim that's defenitly not it.
I kind off think the controls are crap etc.
I'd advise you take NFS Underground 1/2 or NFS most wanted, those were great

U sir, suck at racing if u don't like NFS Shift, the controls are fine IMO =D
And those games we're good.
NFSU2 Was the best

Sometimes its not about graphics, its gameplay. And U2 definately had the best gameplay, and I loved all the customization features on it :woot:
NFS:U2 wasn't that good. Idk why bit I just didn't like it. I really like Burnout Paradise. But I'll try Shift and tell you guys what I think of it. :thumbsup:
[TMS]Slayer said:
NFS:U2 wasn't that good. Idk why bit I just didn't like it. I really like Burnout Paradise. But I'll try Shift and tell you guys what I think of it. :thumbsup:

Unfortunately, i can't run any of those games due to my Pixel/Vertex Shader 2.0.

I want a desktop PC :cry3:
Crysis: 1280x720, very high custom config, 2x AA = 20 - 38 fps




Nice :P. Mine is 1600x900 :thumbsup:

And about the NFS: Shift discussion above^, it sucks >.>. The graphics are BAD, the physics are horrible and there's no nitro.
[TMS]Slayer said:
Nice :P. Mine is 1600x900 :thumbsup:

And about the NFS: Shift discussion above^, it sucks >.>. The graphics are BAD, the physics are horrible and there's no nitro.

Buy a new computer. The graphics own.
And there is nitro i think, u just have to buy it.
The point is that NFS has gotten way too "Offtopic"

Their best selling games were the Underground ones, and Carbon. What do all those have in common? NIGHTTIME

(NFS Most Wanted was also one of the best selling, but its not at night so I can't use it in my example :x)
GPow69 said:
The point is that NFS has gotten way too "Offtopic"

Their best selling games were the Underground ones, and Carbon. What do all those have in common? NIGHTTIME

(NFS Most Wanted was also one of the best selling, but its not at night so I can't use it in my example :x)

I know what you mean. Just cause shift is too "offtopic" doesn't mean that it sucks like slayer said.
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