Google's Self Driving Car Gathers Nearly 1 GB Per Second


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Google's Self Driving Car Gathers Nearly 1 GB Per Second


I learned this weekend at an XPrize event that Google's self-driving car gathers 750 megabytes of sensor data per SECOND! That is just mind-boggling to me. Here is a picture of what the car "sees" while it is driving and about to make a left turn. It is capturing every single thing that it sees moving - cars, trucks, birds, rolling balls, dropped cigarette butts, and fusing all that together to make its decisions while driving. If it sees a cigarette butt, it knows a person might be creeping out from between cars. If it sees a rolling ball it knows a child might run out from a driveway. I am truly stunned by how impressive an achievement this is.

I believe that this is an UNDER-hyped revolution in the making. I am thankful that there is a company like Google that is so audacious as to take on a task like this and advance the state of the art the way it has. Over the weekend, I got to see a video of images like the one above, and it's truly stunning. I can't wait to drive in one of these someday. There is a great video online of a blind man taking his first drive in the car, and it's extremely touching. If you watch it, I would love to hear your thoughts.


I was just thinking this morning that I already think in Gb, instead of Mb. When I download something, I see how many Gb it is, no longer how many Mb. Am I the only one?
Stybar said:
I was just thinking this morning that I already think in Gb, instead of Mb. When I download something, I see how many Gb it is, no longer how many Mb. Am I the only one?
What's a megabyte? (no you're no the only one :p)
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