I just found out the girl I was married to on my server was actually a guy. The "girl" acted like a girl ICly and OOCly (that means she acted like a girl all the time.) Most girls who are guys don't act like girls when they're out of character.
So, I went on PR-RP. I met this girl named Kristy. We drove around, samo-lamo. We went into my server shortly after we got bored on PR-RP. She liked my script, and my players. I soon married her ICly. We had sexy-time (sex) like normal people do in real life (I hope.) The next day I met her boy friend, whom at the time I didn't know was actually my wife, and I met her brother. Me and the two guys talked over TeamSpeak. The BF talked about his GF, too. One week later, my wifes brother told me that her BF was actually my wife.
Also, we weren't dating online. I don't date online. The other girls I had on my server were actual girls.
I suppose you guys can share your stories with encountering men acting like girls
So, I went on PR-RP. I met this girl named Kristy. We drove around, samo-lamo. We went into my server shortly after we got bored on PR-RP. She liked my script, and my players. I soon married her ICly. We had sexy-time (sex) like normal people do in real life (I hope.) The next day I met her boy friend, whom at the time I didn't know was actually my wife, and I met her brother. Me and the two guys talked over TeamSpeak. The BF talked about his GF, too. One week later, my wifes brother told me that her BF was actually my wife.
Also, we weren't dating online. I don't date online. The other girls I had on my server were actual girls.

I suppose you guys can share your stories with encountering men acting like girls