Games are lagging :/


Live stoned, die laughing.
Antwerp, Belgium
Yo dudes,

It's very weird but all my games are a bit lagging.
Example: I'm playing, there's an explosion ingame, but before that explosion my screen freezes for 1 sec.
That's very annoying

My specs:
Acer Aspire Notebook;
Windows 7, 64 bit
Intel Core i3-330M processor 2.13 ghz
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470

What I tried:

- updated to latest video driver
- updated to latest audio driver
- running the games with xfire off
- installed latest DirectX
- runned GameBooster (v 2.0) while I'm gaming
- checked my Windows Firewall
- lowered my video-options ingame

The games I mostly play:
- World of Warcraft (lags when I'm looting something)
- Call of Duty: United Offensive singleplayer (okay it's old but just wanted to play it again)
- Need For Speed: World
- Battlefield Heroes
- Lord Of The Rings: Online

I think my notebook can run these games quite okay, not?
Yeah, the specs are fine.
My cousin has a laptop with the same specs, and when I went to install MW2 and GTA IV, they were lagging ;_;

I can't really help you out as I don't know shit :<
Seems like you even have even better laptop than I do, but my laptop doesn't lag when I'm playing.

Sorry, I can't really help you, you should go ask in Afterdawn or something :p
Disable windows aero, and other shiny things, I did that on my mom's PC and it runs A LOT better now.
I don't think laptops are made to play resource hungry games, use a desktop?
Try using this program to clean up your registry, it should give your PC a speed boost even if it doesn't fix the lag (Which it might)

Actually I reccomend everyone runs this, I did and it actually sped my PC up a bit. Registry problems can be a bitch D:
Don't know how to help you there.

Thanks for sharing, GP. I think it even did speed up my computer.
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