Firefox, what the hell.


TMS Founder

Wondered why my Firefox lagged a bit...
Looks like a plug-in started to do something wrong since the plugin container is also using way too much ram.
Generally my firefox uses 200,000 k O.o my laptop is only a couple of months old, and lately firefox crashes everytime i use youtube, and it makes my graphics card unresponsive :L
Seriously, if anyone has at least 4GB(Which almost everyone does), start using Chrome. For me, around ~8 tabs only uses 290,000K. That is only 7% of the total RAM out of 4GB. And, it wont lag at all as long as you have ram available.
Nimphiouus said:
Generally my firefox uses 200,000 k O.o my laptop is only a couple of months old, and lately firefox crashes everytime i use youtube, and it makes my graphics card unresponsive :L

WHAT the fuck? If something is fucking around with your hardware, how is your first reaction NOT to stop using it!? Is everyone retarded? You all use this shitty browser that gives you NOTHING but shit, and doesn't offer much in return, and REFUSE to switch. Yeah fine use it if you've never had a problem, but if you ever have had a problem (And especially if you KEEP having problems) Then it's time to make a change for gods sake. FF doesn't offer anything except add ons... which Chrome has too.

GPow69 said:
Nimphiouus said:
Generally my firefox uses 200,000 k O.o my laptop is only a couple of months old, and lately firefox crashes everytime i use youtube, and it makes my graphics card unresponsive :L

WHAT the fuck? If something is fucking around with your hardware, how is your first reaction NOT to stop using it!? Is everyone retarded? You all use this shitty browser that gives you NOTHING but shit, and doesn't offer much in return, and REFUSE to switch. Yeah fine use it if you've never had a problem, but if you ever have had a problem (And especially if you KEEP having problems) Then it's time to make a change for gods sake. FF doesn't offer anything except add ons... which Chrome has too.


You sound upset bro, why do you care so much
GPow69 said:
Nimphiouus said:
Generally my firefox uses 200,000 k O.o my laptop is only a couple of months old, and lately firefox crashes everytime i use youtube, and it makes my graphics card unresponsive :L

WHAT the fuck? If something is fucking around with your hardware, how is your first reaction NOT to stop using it!? Is everyone retarded? You all use this shitty browser that gives you NOTHING but shit, and doesn't offer much in return, and REFUSE to switch. Yeah fine use it if you've never had a problem, but if you ever have had a problem (And especially if you KEEP having problems) Then it's time to make a change for gods sake. FF doesn't offer anything except add ons... which Chrome has too.

When something has worked fine for all the time you have used it, beside a few minor hickups, and then suddenly decides to do something weird you tend to stay with that program and hope you can just fix the problem instead of instantly using an other browser, even if that browser is better. You simply stick with what you know. If the other browser has no new features to offer then why should you go to the other one if the current one is working fine for everything you do on the webz?
Impulse said:
If the other browser has no new features to offer then why should you go to the other one if the current one is working fine for everything you do on the webz?

Well, really, chrome has features that FF doesn't (Or doesn't have very good)

If you're in the situation you just described, being running into a problem, then "working fine for everything you do" isn't true anymore. I'd say a program that locks up your GPU is a definite PROBLEM. Nothing is supposed to do that.. I don't even know how they managed that.

More than one browser works fine for everything you need to do on the webz too, so why not use the better ones with more speed and better usability? You can't always just wait and hope for someone to fix it.
Oh god you're such a fanboy it's not even funny anymore.
Let people use what they want, it's not like you're gonna change their opinion.
I'm not even a fanboy, I use 3 browsers regularly lmao. I just really do not understand why people use it if they constantly get problems from it. Again:

GPow69 said:
Yeah fine use it if you've never had a problem

>Nimph's GPU gets frozen by FF
>He continues to use it

Yet I'M the fanboy.
If hardware issues by a simple browser doesn't make someone change and use a different one, then I don't know what will. So I'm just gonna stop telling anyone why Chrome is better.
GPow69 said:
Impulse said:
If the other browser has no new features to offer then why should you go to the other one if the current one is working fine for everything you do on the webz?

Well, really, chrome has features that FF doesn't (Or doesn't have very good)

If you're in the situation you just described, being running into a problem, then "working fine for everything you do" isn't true anymore. I'd say a program that locks up your GPU is a definite PROBLEM. Nothing is supposed to do that.. I don't even know how they managed that.

More than one browser works fine for everything you need to do on the webz too, so why not use the better ones with more speed and better usability? You can't always just wait and hope for someone to fix it.
A browser which locks up your GPU seems odd to me. I do not believe that the GPU locked up just because of web browser X. Still, you seem to miss the point I was trying to make. If you have a nice volkswagen which has a max speed of 130km/h why would you switch to a bugatti which has a top speed of 400km/h if you do not intend to use it? Even if the bugatti is better. If something works for you as it should and it delivers on what it promises then I do not see a reason why you would switch.
Same basically applies to SAMP vs. MTA . MTA is better then SAMP. MTA has a lot more features then SAMP, but still people favor SAMP above MTA. Why? Because SAMP gives them what they want. They get what the expect from it and stick with it. Why would they switch to something better if the place they are at now gives them loads of fun?
Soo.. Mave likes having Firefox take up 3GB of RAM? I've also seen him post quite a lot that FF crashed and he couldn't reply to some posts. And I don't think it's fair to compare Cars and browsers.
Impulse said:
A browser which locks up your GPU seems odd to me. I do not believe that the GPU locked up just because of web browser X. Still, you seem to miss the point I was trying to make. If you have a nice volkswagen which has a max speed of 130km/h why would you switch to a bugatti which has a top speed of 400km/h if you do not intend to use it? Even if the bugatti is better. If something works for you as it should and it delivers on what it promises then I do not see a reason why you would switch.
Same basically applies to SAMP vs. MTA . MTA is better then SAMP. MTA has a lot more features then SAMP, but still people favor SAMP above MTA. Why? Because SAMP gives them what they want. They get what the expect from it and stick with it. Why would they switch to something better if the place they are at now gives them loads of fun?

Some people appreciate a better experience if one is easily available. Obviously you're not one of them. If you're comparing cars, it'd be more fair to say that you're being OFFERED the bugatti for free (Browsers are free), but denying it because your old car still works just fine.
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