Their new Battlefront II Lootbox system is an insult.
It's a $60 game, with only multiplayer. Alright, Overwatch did the same thing.
BF2 has lootboxes. Alright, Overwatch also has lootboxes you can buy.
But, and here's where it gets insulting, in Overwatch, those lootboxes contain nothing but cosmetic things. I can take the account of a top player, who has earned thousands of lootboxes, and play the exact same way as on my own account, with considerably less lootboxes earned. There is no difference in gear. All player using the same character have the same gear, the only difference is the paint you slap on.
Battlefront II, meanwhile, has changeable gear. As in, you start out with a crappy blaster, and are shown the amazing rifles and kits you can get when you level up.
...except leveling up doesn't give you shit. Instead, you level up, you get a lootbox. And in that lootbox MIGHT be a weapon you'll like. It might also be 3 cosmetic things.
Now, Forza Horizon 3 did something similar. Everytime you level up, you get a chance for a new car, or just 1000 credits. BUT, you can also get that car through playing the game and earning enough credits to buy it directly.
BF2 doesn't allow you to get gear directly, everything has to be earned through lootboxes. Which guarantee you jack shit.
It's insulting, and should be vilified. Take10 is trying to force the same crap with Forza 7, and WB Studios is doing it with their new Shadow of Mordor game (albeit less offensive, you can only get the best stuff from lootboxes, the rest is still normally available ingame).
To make things even worse, Activision has been granted a patent, for an algorithm that allows them to place Newbie gamers with shit gear, in matches with advanced gamers (who bought many lootboxes), in an effort to get the new players so annoyed with playing against high level gear, that they'll spend money instead of time to get high level gear themselves.