Mave said:
Stybar said:
Dude is fucking persistent. Two flat tires, one of them eventually falling off, and he's still trying to floor it. Damn.
Imagine if you’re the passenger and you didn’t know the car was stolen..
A couple of buddies of mine had that!
(note: I wasn't present in this story)
They were out buying weed from a friend. They get the stuff, and the guy asks them if they want to drive along in his fancy new M3. Of course, they say yes. So he starts tearing through the town, until they see flashing blue lights behind them. Dealer hesitates, but eventually pulls over and plans to sweet talk the cop to not look into the glove box, where a bunch of weed is hidden. Suddenly, they get surrounded by a fuckload of really angry cops, guns drawn and everything. They all get arrested, and brought to the station.
Turns out the car was stolen during an aggressive break-in. Whether the dealer stole the car himself or whether he just fenced it, I don't know, but he did confess to whatever he did.
The two friends got off lucky. The cops believed that they didn't know the car was stolen, and that they had nothing to do with it. And since they only had <5gr of weed on them, they were set free the same evening (without weed, of course).