Dublin Airport got 12,272 noise complaints last year from just one person


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Dublin Airport got 12,272 noise complaints last year from just one person


One person was responsible for nine in 10 of all complaints about noise from aircraft using Dublin Airport last year.

The complainant lodged 12,272 complaints during 2021 with DAA at an average rate of 34 cases daily, the airport operator said.

Reports from the individual accounted for 90pc of complaints received by the airport operator about noise from aircraft taking off and landing at Dublin.

It is almost double the 6,227 complaints the same individual filed in 2020.

Source and more: https://www.independent.ie/irish-ne...-last-year-from-just-one-person-41560228.html
So, someone discovered how to automate a process, it seems.
So, someone discovered how to automate a process, it seems.
I hope so, writing 33 complains a day manually would be insane :D
I imagine something like a decibel meter hooked up to an automatic form. "Dear, the noise exceeded xx decibel today at xxh am/pm..."
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