Anony-Send website design


var nerd; nerd = db_getUser("rafay");
So yeah, I'm going to update AES (Anonymous Email Sender) with some good design. Here's what I made with Photoshop. (Slicing, HTML/CSS left).

I ripped off the text from some other site, but I'm gonna change it with mine when this website is up.
...Mave, don't even look at it, it's sin, big sin. You will be burnt in fire for doing that.

Andre is doing the coding work! :laugh:

Rafay said:
Andre is doing the coding work! :laugh:
What kind of a joke was that? Though I can give you good PHP form code with $_POST and $_GET.

By the way there can be found like 3 spelling mistakes in the "This service is perfect for the following" section while there are a few sentences that don't make sense.
Rafay, could you give Some credit to me, considering I made the basic script + you copyrighted it all under your name?
Zezombia said:
Rafay, could you give Some credit to me, considering I made the basic script + you copyrighted it all under your name?
hi? I never downloaded or looked at your script code. I learnt myself from
Tho, I got the idea and design from you, so sorry mate. I'll change it when the website is up.
Considering you asked for the script, then I sent you it, then you put up with a slightly diffrent color theme, it seems all too coincidental. And why would you never look at the script after I sent it to you anyway?
Zezombia said:
Considering you asked for the script, then I sent you it, then you put up with a slightly diffrent color theme, it seems all too coincidental. And why would you never look at the script after I sent it to you anyway?
I wanted to learn php myself. That's why. If really needed, I'll show you my code. Let's see if it's different or the same. But it's not a big issue we are discussing here.
Jonathan - FrostBytez said:
No, He switched to me =D

So that the people trying to take down the service will now try to take down frosthost? Pretty smart move.
Mave said:
Jonathan - FrostBytez said:
No, He switched to me =D
So that the people trying to take down the service will now try to take down frosthost? Pretty smart move.
Clever. Very clever.

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* You didn't make sufficient posts last month.
That was a Post 2 Host service I was using. I didn't made enough posts for October.
Mave said:
Jonathan - FrostBytez said:
No, He switched to me =D
So that the people trying to take down the service will now try to take down frosthost? Pretty smart move.
The hosting is ran by Jonathan and the script doesn't violate any law whatsoever and can't be forced to take down.
No, I looked up the laws the first time I put up mine. I couldn't find anything about it being illegal. Same thing with proxies, not illegal.
About proxies:
Your right to anonymity
Amendments 4 and 5 of The United States Bill Of Rights protect the right to be free of unwarranted and unwanted government intrusion into one's personal and private affairs, papers, and possessions. Article 12 of The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, "No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks."

Despite some charges to the contrary, anonymous Web surfing is not the sole province of criminals. Anonymity also serves whistle blowers, free speech advocates, and people just looking for personal privacy online. Privacy is not a crime and anonymity is not morally ambiguous or wrong, they are your right.
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