Man fucking Ubisoft....
Let me tell you, everything Ubisoft does is utter crap. Watch_dogs is the most recent fuck-up, but they are starting to act like EA; trying to get money instead of making a great game. And they're a company, I understand completely that they need to make money, they're still a company, that's completely understandable and fine. But for fucks sake, trying to get money where you don't need to get money is bullshit. EA does it by forcing their ads for their new (and expensive) DLC down your throat at every corner in their games. Loading screens and whatnot.
But Ubisoft is starting to make the same mistakes. In ACIV, you get references to the DLC (which you have to pay for, even though it's already in the game, just not unlocked), at every in-game shop, and every loading screen.
It is incredibly annoying. At least EA tries to sell you a DLC with some new content and not at launch. (except for ME3. The Prothean should've been included in the base game, not as a at-launch, expensive DLC, that's bullshit). Ubisoft just creates a game, and then tries to sell you a piece of it as "DLC" or "extra/exclusive content"
As for Watch_dogs, they just went "fuck it, they'll buy it anyway". It should have been a great game, the best of the year, even surpassing GTAV. Instead we get a unfinished piece of crap, that is horribly disfigured to work on consoles. FUCK THAT. Remember the post on 4chan about a dev who worked on W_D? That's the kind of shit that's killing the industry. Either you make a great game, and publish it on all ports, or you don't publish it. Don't cripple a game, just so you can make a couple of bucks extra. That's just greedy and egoistical. Gamers aren't stupid. They'll notice this shit and stop paying. You want to stop Piracy? Make better games, and stop trying to implement broken shit to force them to pay (I'm looking at you, Uplay).
[TL;DR: Ubisoft and EA are crappy devs who only think about money instead about great games.