He arrives in a small village and meets his guide.
The guide explains, "Okay. Ve valk five mile. I go in cave vake bear. She angry. I run, you run, she no eat. I run, you no run, she eat you. Okay?"
The American agrees, grabs his rifle and follows the guide out to the cave. As promised, the guide walks and wakes the bear, and this she-bear is pissed.
Immediately the guide and the hunter begin running to the village. The bear is hot on their heels.
About a mile into the run the American feels the years of McDonalds start to kick in. He turns around, and puts a bullet right through the bear's head. Immediately she drops.
Turning to the guide with a smug grin he says, "No why the fuck didn't we do that in the first place?"
Sighing, the guide slowly turns around and replies, "Now you drag bear four mile."
The guide explains, "Okay. Ve valk five mile. I go in cave vake bear. She angry. I run, you run, she no eat. I run, you no run, she eat you. Okay?"
The American agrees, grabs his rifle and follows the guide out to the cave. As promised, the guide walks and wakes the bear, and this she-bear is pissed.
Immediately the guide and the hunter begin running to the village. The bear is hot on their heels.
About a mile into the run the American feels the years of McDonalds start to kick in. He turns around, and puts a bullet right through the bear's head. Immediately she drops.
Turning to the guide with a smug grin he says, "No why the fuck didn't we do that in the first place?"
Sighing, the guide slowly turns around and replies, "Now you drag bear four mile."