[ADVERTISMENT]FRSDM - Freeroam Stunt Deathmatch!


Well-Known Member

FRSDM - Freeroam Race Stunt Deathmatch!

FRSDM stands for Freeroam Race Stunt Deathmatch and was founded by Mike in July 2008.

How it started
Well it started by me (Mike) mapping on Movieserver (www.movieserver.forum2.biz), you can see my 1st map in the server by typing //SD or you can download it here: http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=65757.0. I then made version 2, you can see this ingame with //SD2.

After i started mapping i decided i wanted a server, the owner of movieserver (Vetle) hosted "Mikes Movie Maker" and this was the start.

Then I started more mapping and decided I wanted a Stunt server, and FRSDM was born, FRSDM meant Freeroam Stunt Deathmatch, the name changed not long ago as we now have races!
With little restrictions you can either stunt or the maps or drive around San Andreas, hardly anything is out of bounds, apart from Dm areas. You can get a car by commands, theres only a few but type /cars ingame to get the list!

Races are new to FRSDM, but we already have over 20! We currently use a modified yagu race. You can join a race when it starts with /race then /go, /r or /ready when your, erm, ready.

FRSDM is mainly a stunt server, with over 25 stunt maps theres always fun around the corner! You can choose from Skycoasters, to crazy stunts to stuntparks, its all open to you!

With around 10 DM areas, theres always noobs, i mean opponents to own.


//GGB - Golden Gate Bridge - You have a para, now jump!

//BPB - Big pointy building - Another parachuting spot

//TAB - Tall Ass Building - yet anotehr parachuting spot

//ST - Stealth - Stealth Deathmatch, sildnced pistol and Knife!

//DROP - This really is a great map, its hard to explain how amazing it is, go take a look in the gallery!

//AA - Abandoned Airport - The main spawn, lots of ramps and fun!

//HP - Halfpipe - Ok its not amazing, but its fun

//SP - Stuntpark - Ramps ahoy

//LSA - Los Santos Airport

//CH - Chilliad

//IS - Island

//REF - Refinery

//ARCH - Arch angels mod shop

//TRANS - Transfender

//DC - Desert Climb - Can you reach the top?

//LVD - Las Venturas Drop - A carpark with a road and a ramp, put it together, you get this!

//CAGE - The cage, good for duels

//SD - Sky Drop - This is the heart of FRSDM, this is what started it all, the 1st map!

//SD2 - Sky Drop 2 - Second version!

//PLU - Plummet - Made by Mike and playboyX, quite a fun ride

//SC - Sky coaster - Another fun coaster, just remember to slow down at the end!

//RE - Rebound - Down the hole to find the orange balls, they make you fly out sometimes!

//OFC - Oil Field Coaster - Can you manage it?

//DM - Deathmatch - This is the 1st DM, located at LS docks

//LJ - Lagoon Jump - Just a quickie

//DODM - Doherty Deathmatch - 2nd DM map

//DDM - Dildo Deathmatch - As we say: "Get a dildo and start bangin'"

//BBDM - Baseball Deathmatch - Batter your opponents to death :evil:

//RDM - Rocket DM - Are you a good aim? This is for you! Blast them fools into hell

//BE - Big ear - Schuylers first map!

//DR - Drift - Can you handle it?

//LOOP - A massive computer generated loop!

//GD - Going down - This was an experimental map, was made 7 months before added to FRSDM
Heres a list of commands:

/Givecash - /Givecash [ID] [AMOUNT] - Example: /Givecash 0 1000 - Gives the specified player the amout chosen.

/Gc - /Shortcut for /Givecash

/Help - Displays the help menu

/Rules - See the server rules

/Commands - Show the command list

/T - Show the map teleports

/Wank - Play with yourself :P

/Vdestroy - Dispose of your current vehicle

/Vdes - Shortcut for /Vdestroy

/Vd - Shortcut for /Vdestroy

/Jetpack - Get a Jetpack, costs $2

/Piss - Take a leak

/Jetp /Jetpk /Jp /Jpk - Shortcuts for /Jetpack

/Crush - Spawns a random heavy vehicle above you and sets your health low so you get crushed!

/Handsup - Surrender

/Kill - Commit suicide

/Dance - /Dance [1-3] / Example: /Dance 2 - Dance...

/Sl - Save your position

/Ll - Load your saved position

/Nos - Add Nitro to current vehicle

/Cure - Refill health and armour to maximum

/Armour - Full armour

/Heal and /Health- Full health

/Vgod - Toggle Vehicle god, on by default

/Parachutes - See the parachute commands

/Para - Get a parachute

/Teles - Dsiplay normal teleport list

/Remine - Reload the bouncy objects at //RE

/Makemap - Wanna submit a map for cash, points and more?

/Buildcmds - See the commands for medit, to build maps

/News - Check the latest additions!

/Skydiving - Get to an airport and find the plane icon to skydive!

/Hydra - Give yourself a Hydra jet

/Hunter - Get a hunter

/Sanchez - Spawn a Sanchez

/Nrg - Put yourself on an NRG-500, The fastest bike in San Andreas!

/Info and /Stats - See server Information

/Bull or /Bullet - Get a Bullet

/Newsheli - Get a news chopper

/Banshee - Spawn a Banshee

/Credits - See the people who helped and created this server

/Advertise - If theres a current advertisment, this will show it, otherwise will show info

/Forum - Forum information including URL

/Forumstuff - Get goodies JUST for registering!

/Forumadmin - Do you meet these requirments? Apply for admin!

/Teleports - Basic teleports

/Pimps - Mod shops

/Skins - Fast skin changing!

/Bag - Drive a baggage cart, funny.

/Flip - When you tip do /Flip!

/Remove - Reset your weapons

/Vid - Get the vehicle ID, NOT MODEL ID!

/Lock - Lock your vehicle

/Unlock - Unlock your vehicle

/0 to /18 - Change interior

/ Me - Example: "/me says hi" would output: "Mike says hi" in yellow.

/Rcbar - Rc Barron - Plane

/Rcban - RC Bandit - Car

/Rccam - RC Cam - Flower pot? xD

/Rcgob - RC Goblin - Heli

/Rcrai - RC Radier - Heli

/Rctig - RC Tiger - Tank

/Ejectme - Eject yourself from current vehicle

/Ej - Remove yourself from your vehicle and destroy it

/Splat - Spawn 1000ft in the air, no para = SPLAT.

/Gay - Come out of the closet :)

/Lol - Displays: "Name" laughs out loud (lol)." in Yellow.

/Brb - Tell your friends you will return shortly

/Thanks - Say thanks

/Ttyl - Talk to you later

/™ - Hidden command :o

/Afk - Toggle your player not controllable, reset the camera, Away from keyboard.

/Back - When you aren't AFK anymore

/Report [MESSAGE] - Report either a bug, a player or anything else!

/Hug [ID] - Spread the love <3

/Kiss [ID] - Spread the love further <3

/Register - Make an account to save your stats

/Login - Log into your account

/Logout - Sign out of your account

/Sm - See the server message

/Ping - Get the ping of a player

/Xlock and /Xunlock - Toggle vehicle doors

/Carcolor [1] [2] - Paintjob time!

/Carc - Use if you dont like the spraying sound of /Carcolor, or for quickness

/Admins - See the online admins

/Vr or /Fix - Repair vehicle

/Skin [ID] - Set your skin

/S - Short for /Skin

/Ssel - Remote class selection :)

/Vehicle [Name] - Spawn a vehicle, DONT SPAM. >:(

/V - Short for /Vehicle

/Vsel - Car selection

/Warpto [ID] - Teleport to the player, weapons will be removed.

/Setloc [X Y Z INTERIOR] - Set your coords

/Csel - Position camera

/Debug - See information on debug commands

/Animhelp - See list of animations

/Animhelp2 - See another list of animations

/Lotto [NUMBER] - Will you be the lucky winner?

/Jackpot - See current lotto jackpot

/Comment [MESSAGE] - Leave a message for the server owner

/Bank - Save Score and Cash

DM System
If you DM outside a deathmatch area you get kicked, if you kill when in Deathmatch you get 5 points!

Andromada Skydiving
At all of the 4 airports there is a plane mapicon, go to it and enter the house pickup and you get teleported to the Andromada where you grab a parachute and diiiiiive :)

More info and a download here: http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=68727.msg447085

Point system
Every 5 minutes on the server you will receive 5 points, theres also point pickups (dollar sign on radar) which can give you 5, 10 or 15 points!

Transfender will take 15 points every mod you add.
You will loose points on death, depending if you are in DM or not you might receive them!
Finishing //DROP will also get you 50 points.
/Nrg will take 10 points and so will the other car commands but Infernus will take 15
You can use /BuyScore to buy 100 points for $100000 (Might be lowered in future)
You can use /Tradescore to trade 100 points for $10000
You can use /Bank to save your Score and Cahs to file so you dont loose it, but this should save on dissconect.

Yes we are looking for admins, but dont think coming on the server and going "mack me lev 1337 please" will do any good, this will just get you muted/warned.

Once you have 50 posts on the forum you can apply for admin, if you dont have 50 posts, dont bother applying as you WILL NOT be accepted. To apply for admin see the "Applications" button at www.frsdm.com.

Owner: Mike
Email: mikel_p@hotmail.co.uk
MSN: mikel_p@hotmail.co.uk
SA:MP forums name: Mikep (Banned for no reason)
Telephone number: Yeah right xD

Here are some videos, you may see more appearing soon at THIS PAGE

When it was Mikes Freeroam:

FRSDM was born, first promo vid:

The never finished NRG stuntpark:

Plummet - //PLU:

Promotional video:

Halfpipe video:

Drift Track:

Oil Field Coaster:
http://www.HostName: FRSDM - Freeroam/Race/Stunt/DM!
Players: * /12
Ping: 40-60
Map: Build Whatever

You can find the website at www.frsdm.com. It has stuff from forums to admin applications!

No spam
No flaming
Listen to admins
Dont bitch

Hope to see you there soon!
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